Chapter 8

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Tonight Gina had arranged for a family meal. She was going to be cooking and we would all eat together and talk. When she told us at breakfast, I had assumed she was talking to her sons. But she assured me, that I was invited as well. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to go. It meant spending time with Luke in a close proximity and gave Gina another chance to monitor my eating habits like she had a few days ago when we went shopping. She seemed to think I was anorexic but I just didn't have the time to eat. Anyway, could she not see the size of my thighs?

Luke had bonded well with Ava since he was left in charge. I'm not quite sure what happened because neither Jai or Beau would tell me but it had turned out to be for the better. Luke was no longer apprehensive about picking Ava up or giving her attention. When he walked into a room, she would grin at him and hold her arms up. And he would always smile back and swing her around like I had always imagined.

Luke and I had reached an unspoken agreement to avoid each other. Most days, we were left alone in the house together whilst everyone else was out. Gina had to go to work whereas Jai and Beau zipped in and out all day, seeing friends and sorting stuff out for videos and stuff. I thought Luke would be just the same but he had expressed no interest in any of those things and tended to stay in the house.

He stayed upstairs whilst I was in the living room and vice versa. Since the day that Beau told him, I must've said ten words to him. I have better conversations with Ava. Gina had been great but she had a job she had to go to. Jai and Beau were alright but they had their own lives and I could hardly beg them to stay with me because I wasn't talking to their brother. So I tended to get pretty lonely. It was just like being back at my flat but at least there was always something going on outside there to keep interested. Out here in the suburbs, there was absolutely nothing. I half-debated moving back.

Around midday the house phone rung. I was in the living room in the middle of feeding Ava. Luke was in his room. I listened to see if there was any noise on the stairs but it soon became apparent that he was in no rush to answer it. I left Ava on the rug and went to answer it. This was probably the most exciting thing that was going to happen all day so I decided to make the most of it. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ah Paisley, I thought you might answer."

"Gina! Hi," I said.

"Just to let you know," Gina said. "Change of plan for tonight; we're going out to a restaurant instead of me cooking. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good," I said truthfully. "Will I need to get dressed up?"

"Beau's paying so it's highly likely he's picked somewhere ridiculously posh," she said. "I'll get him to text you."

"OK," I said, sensing the conversation was coming to an end.

"Oh and be a dear and tell Luke for me," Gina continued suddenly. "Tell him to wear his white shirt,"

"OK," I said again, this time quieter.

"How are you doing?" Gina asked. "Is Ava being good?"

"As always," I answered."She's made a bit of a mess of her dinner though,"

"Bless her," Gina chuckled fondly. "Sorry Paisley, but I'm going to have to go. I'm supposed ti be back at work in five minutes."

"That's alright Gina," I replied. "I'll see you later."

"Bye darling. Be good now."

I silently placed the phone back in the holster and finished giving Ava her dinner. Throughout it, my thoughts were preoccupied. Gina had told me to talk to Luke. Did I wait for him to come down or go up and tell him myself?

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