Chapter 5

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As soon as Luke was upstairs, Mum collapsed into the armchair. She held her hand to her chest and went very pale. She looked like she was in shock.

"Mum, are you OK?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

She didn't answer my question.

"What the hell was he thinking?" She murmured. "That poor, poor girl..."

"He didn't know Mum," I defended my brother. "It's not all his fault."

"Well it's not her fault either," Mum said sharply. "She's just a child."

"I know," I agreed. "But these things happen."

"Phone her please Beau," Mum instructed me. "We need to try and sort this out."

"I don't really thinks she'll want to talk to me," I said, a little sheepishly. "She'll be pretty pissed off."

"What have you done?" Mum focused accusing eyes on to me. "It's Luke's problem."

"I was the one who told Luke," I explained. "She didn't want him to know. About Ava."

"God, what a mess," Mum sighed deeply, running her fingers through her hair.

"Sorry," I said meekly.

"You haven't done anything wrong," Mum said. "He had to find out eventually. Please, phone her anyway. I'm sure she'll forgive you."

I'm sure she won't. I found Paisley's number and called it, albeit reluctantly. Just as I had expected, she didn't pick up.

"No answer," I told Mum, locking my phone again.

"Was it turned off?" the note of worry in Mum's voice was evident. "Why wouldn't she answer?"

"I told you, she's just pissed off with me," I said. "Give her chance to calm down."

The words coming out of my mouth were more designed to convince me than my mother. I was panicking now. What if something had happened to her or Ava? It would be all my fault. An overwhelming feeling of dread swept over me leaving my blood chilled and my breath catching in my throat.

"You don't think... she's hurt or anything?" I asked my mother hesitantly.

"Hurt? Why would she be hurt?" Mum replied immediately.

"Well, you know... She walked off and it was getting dark. She might of got into some trouble."

"You let her walk home alone in the dark?" Mum stared at me in disbelief. "To that estate!"

"I went after Luke, Mum," I said trying to justify my actions and stem the panic I could see growing in my mother.

I needn't have bothered; Mum wasn't listening to me anymore.

"I swear this family needs to get their priorities straightened," she muttered, brandishing her car keys like a weapon. She got up from the armchair, looking rigidly determined.

"Where are you going?" I asked helplessly, feeling small.

'To go find Paisley," she replied shortly. "Do you know where she lives?"

"No," I shook my head. "Jai's the only one who's ever bee - Oh shit, Jai!"

"What about Jai?" Mum turned on me, obviously expecting another bombshell.

"He's still out looking for Luke! I forgot to call him."

She waited impatiently while I phoned Jai, jiggling her leg. Unlike Paisley, this time my call was answered.

Again ~ A Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now