Chapter 9

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They do say time flies when you're having fun. And with Ava, the hours flew by like minutes. She was adorable, her giggles were infectious and I was just enjoying being with her. We switched from game to game, with rules she had invented but rules I was all too happy to abide by.

I was so wrapped up in it that I didn't even notice when Jai came in at about half four. He had been out with everyone. Normally, I would have been jealous at them all spending time together without me but I hadn't given them any thought at all. I just didn't care.

Jai laughed when he saw us and I looked up immediately.

"It's cute!" he said, still chuckling. "Come say hi to uncle Jai,"

God did that sound weird. I had to do a little double-take. Fortunately for Jai, Ava was more than happy to see him, waving her little fist in the air. She wasn't talking yet but she did manage to make a few incomprehensible noises.

"Good girl!" I praised her involuntarily whilst Jai grinned at her and waved back.

He disappeared a little later, though I heard him thumping about upstairs. He could have been getting ready but I doubted it. Jai liked leaving things to the last minute.

Mum came home a little later, all flustered from her day at work and the rush hour traffic. She brightened immediately when she saw Ava.

"Hello darling!"she gushed. "Have you been a good girl today?"

Whilst Ava answered in her own language, I took the opportunity to start discreetly hiding the mess which had started to build up. Unfortunately, I clearly wasn't subtle enough to avoid Mum's hawk-eye glare. But instead of yelling at me like I thought she would, she chuckled.

"Just leave it Luke," she advised me. "I'll clean it up later,"

"It's no bother," I objected, though I was already stepping away.

"You go get ready," she instructed. "I'll watch Ava."

I nodded and left the room.

At the top of the stairs, I faced another predicament. All the bedroom doors were closed and the shower was on. I had no idea which rooms were occupied and I didn't want to walk in on someone changing, especially Paisley. I knocked on mine and Jai's door. There was no immediate answer so I walked in. The room was empty. I sighed in relief and started pulling my clothes out of my wardrobe. I kept on my black skinny jeans which i felt could pass as acceptable and put on the white shirt Mum had bought me ages ago and which I had worn on precisely two occasions. It looked alright when I rolled the sleeves up and undid a few of the top buttons but it was far too formal for me to feel comfortable in. It was really not my usual style. I dug around in my wardrobe, searching for some shoes which were better than my usual trainers. Eventually, I found some black shoes which were a bit scuffed but hopefully would pass by Mum's standards. I did my hair in the mirror and came out on to the landing.

Whoever had been in the shower was done and Mum was just coming out of the bathroom, attaching an earring to her lobe. She can be remarkably quick at getting ready when she wants to. Similarly, she instantly scanned my outfit. Straight away, I could tell from her expression that it didn't pass with her approval.

"What?" I asked, more amused then annoyed.

"Take that lip ring out right now and roll the sleeves down!" She instructed.

"Why?" I protested.

"Because I said so," she said, displaying another of her unbelievably witty comebacks. "You can't go to a restaurant covered in piercings and tattoos,"

Again ~ A Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now