Chapter 16

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I got to work editing the video as soon as I had gotten home and had a shower. I uploaded it onto my laptop and changed the resolution. I was cutting and cropping sequences and adding text over the video. Usually at Beau's bad jokes. It took me ages just to get the first few minutes done and sync it with the music I had chosen for the intro.

By the time that I got to my announcement in the video, I was mentally exhausted even though it was only about four. It was very tiring work and involved a lot of staring at my screen. I watched the last scene over and over. My delivery was good, it was casual and relaxed. I didn't think I had made it seem like a big deal. I wasn't angry or blaming Paisley. It came across just as I had intended. Yet I still hesitated. Half of me wanted to cut it out and keep things the way they were. But I knew, deep down that it just wasn't right. I had to do this for Ava.

I sighed and skipped past it, adding the usual exit screen. It had taken me three hours to do and I still wasn't sure about it. I wanted to delete it and never have to see it again but it wasn't fair on the others. They all took part as well. I pressed save and carried my laptop downstairs.

Beau had already called Paisley and everyone was waiting downstairs for me to finish. James and Daniel had gotten bored long ago and gone home but Jai was back and he wanted to see what we had done. There was a lot riding on this. If I had gotten it wrong and Paisley wasn't happy then it would potentially jeopardise our entire future. And I wanted a future with her more than anything else in the world.

Everyone applauded as I walked into the room. Even Ava clapped her little fists together. She got a lot of laughs for that.

"Come on then," Mum said eagerly. "Show us what you've done."

I took the prime seat on the sofa. All four of them crowded round me. Ava held her arms up to be picked up so she could see what all the fuss was about. Paisley pulled her up onto the sofa. She was sat next to me, her leg very close to mine. It sent tingles right up my spine.

"Will you please play the video?" Beau asked impatiently. "We've been waiting for hours!"

I rolled my eyes but hit play on the laptop. Everyone moved in even closer, Paisley included. I can't say I minded it all that much.

The video started. James got his close up of his shed, complete with background music from one of our own songs. I had cut the intro down so it cut straight from the trampoline to us stood in line.

"I like that," Beau nodded. Ava nodded as well although she wasn't paying any attention to the screen.

The rest of the video went down as I had hoped it would. People laughed when they should and winced at the vomit and piss. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it. When we reached the outro, I tensed automatically and snuck a look at Paisley. She was watching intently, a small smile on her lips. She had absolutely no idea what was about to happen. I closed my eyes as my virtual self stepped up to the camera. I didn't want to see it but I could do nothing to stop me hearing myself. I tried to block it out but I could still feel the surprise and Paisley's leg moved slightly away from mine. I opened my eyes again, already fearing the worst. Nobody spoke. They all looked at me.

"Look, if none of you think I should put it in," I said after a pause. "I'll cut it out before I upload it."

"Don't do that," Paisley said quietly. "I think it's good."

"Really?" I asked. "So you don't think it's too much? The fans might be angry."

"I can deal with it," she said. "For Ava's sake."

"If you're sure," I said. "I'm only going to upload it if you're completely comfortable with it."

"Just do it," Paisley nodded. "It's time everyone knew."

Again ~ A Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now