Chapter 32

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1 month later:


It was great, to be out of the coma and even better to be back with Luke. I was excited by the prospect of finally being able to have the perfect life. Like when you get pregnant, you're scared and you're confused but at the same time, this little tiny bit of you is happy beyond belief. Because you've finally got something worthwhile in your life. Even when your boyfriend leaves you or you get kicked out, you're OK because you know you're always going to have someone. That was kind of what it was like with Luke. Even though I was in the hospital and pretty much in constant pain, seeing him nearly everyday kept me sane and looking to the future. He was my rock and I needed him more than ever.

But after four weeks of operations and physiotherapy and countless hours spent staring at the ceiling, Luke alone couldn't comfort me and I was so close to dying of pure boredom.

On the Saturday, the Doctor took me into his office. I could walk alright on my own, though it was slow and painful, so he took me in my wheelchair to speed things up a bit. I'd gotten to know him quite well. The whole team of nurses actually. They were all lovely and made a big fuss of Ava and Luke when they came round. I liked that. The doctor himself was a middle-aged man with greying hair and a paunch. He was very intelligent but funny and friendly too so I felt I got on with him rather well. He was smiling, as he sat me down opposite his desk. I waited for him to begin as he took his own seat.

"So, Paisley, you've made excellent progress," he started. "We're all very proud of you."

"Thank you," I said. "Though that's mainly down to you."

He waved away my compliment. "Your body has shown tremendous resilience and fought off all possible infections. Although you're still very weak, I think it would be better for you to continue your recovery at home."

His words took a moment to register in my brain. When they did, I couldn't help but smile broadly. I was ecstatic.

"Yes, I though that would cheer you up!" he laughed. "Is there someone who could pick you up today?"

"Probably," I nodded. "I'll have to make some phone calls."

He nodded. "Of course. And well done Paisley, you've done really well!"

Three hours later:

Luckily for me, Gina had agreed to come and pick me up. She had seemed over the moon and her response only increased my excited anticipation for my return.

It was now ten to three. Gina should be here in ten minutes but there were always queues in the car park and formalities. I had packed my bags in a matter of seconds and was saying goodbye to the other people on the ward. Sylvie, the old lady next to me, had suffered a fall and bust her hip. She had been in here for as long as I had but I had never seen anybody visit her. She had children, two daughters who lived in the city and as far as I knew, neither had bothered to even phone in. We had formed quite a good bond and I knew she would probably miss me so I gave her a box of chocolates and a big hug along with promises to come and visit.

The other adult on the ward was Denise. She was very snobby and gossiped endlessly. She didn't seem to like me very much (the feeling was mutual) and I was often the topic of her ramblings but I gave her some chocolates as well. The teenage girl with the broken leg called Ollie liked me I think. It was hard to form any kind of connection with her because she was always gobbing away on her phone to God knows who. Her phone bill must run into thousands each month. I gave her a hug and chocolates as well, though she returned my friendliness a little unenthusiastically. I tried not to let this put me down as I was determined to make the most of my freedom.

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