Chapter 23

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I followed the doctor out of the waiting room, tripping over thin air in my haste. I could feel my heartbeat through all of my body; my head was banging. I had purposely left Luke out there because I figured it would be easier for me to him what I was about to hear then some random stranger with all the emotion of a pea.

The doctor, a tall middle-aged man with balding hair and bags under his eyes, led me to a side room. I took a seat opposite the desk set up in the corner and he took the one behind it. It all felt oddly surreal, like I was part of a soap opera. A nurse bustled in and offered me a drink. I declined even though I was parched. I just wanted to know how Paisley was. I leaned forward over the desk, eager for the doctor to begin. He seemed to pick up on my need and cleared his throat.

"Miss Turner is in a critical condition," He started gravely. "She's had five operations since she was brought in. She has been placed in a medically-induced coma to try and shield her body from infections. We have done everything we can, but, I'm sorry to say, there's still only a fifty per cent chance she will make it through this crucial period."

I nodded slowly; the words took a long time to enter my brain.

"The knife went in nearly four inches and missed her heart by centimetres," he continued. "Although this is a serious injury, in normal circumstances, she would recover quickly. However, I am very concerned about her weight. Was she eating properly in the time before her stabbing?"

"Oh God!" I buried my head in my hands. "I knew she wasn't eating properly. I just thought she was trying to get rid of the baby weight, not starve herself!"

"What exactly is your relationship to Miss Turner?" The doctor asked curiously.

"She's my... Granddaughter's mother," I said hesitantly. "My son's ex,"

"So you're not really family?" He looked at me disapprovingly. "Patient files are supposed to be confidential."

"She's got no family," I said. "We're the closest she has."

The doctor mimicked my nodding. Obviously, he was battling his morals with his work regulations.

"You could go in and see her," he said at last. "She's pretty unresponsive but I think she can hear voices."

"OK Doctor," I nodded solemnly. "My son will be very pleased to hear that."

"Just remember," The doctor warned. "The next thirty six hours will be crucial to her surviving. Let's hope she pulls through."

"We're all praying," I agreed.

The doctor reached across to shake my hand and I took it. He took it firmly and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"I get the feeling she'll be fine," he said. "This one's a fighter."

I smiled and nodded again. The nurse led me out of the room and back to the main waiting area so I could tell Luke. He looked up as soon as I walked in. I could tell at once he had been crying but I didn't say anything to embarrass him. His eyes were sunken and bloodshot. Without speaking, I reclaimed my seat next to him.

"Is she d-dead?" he whispered, not looking me in the eye.

"No," I answered, watching relief settle across his face. "But she's extremely ill. She's in a coma. It's touch and go. The doctor reckons she's underweight."

"Of course she is," Luke groaned in anger. "She's been practically starving herself."

"Why didn't you say anything?" I was shocked. It wasn't like Luke to be so negligent regarding Paisley.

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