Chapter 36

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From the outside, it looked like a fairly ordinary suburban house. It could have done with a lick of paint and the grass needed cutting but if you walked past, you wouldn't give it a second glance. That's why he was able to go unnoticed for so long. A few visitors once a week, money exchanging hands, nobody realised what was going on in this house. Or nobody cared.

Inside, the curtains are still drawn. A thin crack of light illuminates dust in the air. A battered sofa stained with beer and piled with junk takes up most of the dingy living room. There is a coffee table, home to discarded alcohol bottles and pizza boxes right in the far corner. Pressing the back of her legs against it is a girl. Her dark brown hair is wild and messy. Her clothes are grubby and it looks like she hasn't washed for several days. A man, only a little older than a boy has just walked into the room. Immediately, the girl starts cowering. He notices this at once.

"What have you done this time you worthless piece of shit?" He rounds on her. "Did you do what I asked?"

The girl shakes her head and stammers as she replied. "N-No."

"I'm trying to make money here!" The man shouted. "If it wasn't for me, you would be living on the streets! I do so much for you and you're telling me you can't do one tiny thing for your older brother?"

"But the baby, Sean!" The girl protested weakly. "They have a baby."

"Do I look like I care?" Sean growled like a dog. "Cut the bullshit Rosie. You just want the boy to yourself."

"N-no I - " Rosie argued hopelessly, crippled with fear.

"I don't care what you want," Sean said menacingly. "You do what I tell you to do and I'll turn a blind eye if you want to fool around with this boy. But if you come away with no money, you don't even want to know what I can do."

Rosie whimpers pathetically.

"Do you want a smack?" Sean snaps. "Cut that out right now!"

The whimpering stops immediately but the fear is still in her eyes.

"Just get me the money I'm owed and nobody gets hurt," Sean said finally. "Nobody apart from Luke."

Again ~ A Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now