Chapter 20

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1 hour later:


The vodka lasted minutes, the empty bottle had long since been abandoned on the floor. Beau had cracked open some beers from the fridge and some Jack Daniels he found in the back of one of the cupboards. We took turns gulping from the bottle and slowly losing all sense of responsibility.

Ava was still asleep in her pushchair and Paisley was due back in five minutes. I knew she would be very pissed off with me but that thought made me extremely uncomfortable so I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it. With my brain in it's drunken state, I didn't find it particularly difficult.

When the doorbell rang, Beau got to his feet unsteadily, his beer can in his hand.

"I'll go get it," he slurred, pointing in the general direction of the door. He went to answer the bell, tripping over thin air and cursing out loud. When he got to the door, I heard muffled conversation and raised voices. Me and Jai exchanged a look, both pretending to be oblivious. I took another sip from the can I was holding.

It was harder to pretend when Paisley stormed in. She looked absolutely furious but I still found her gorgeous. Just the same as always, my heart skipped a beat. She turned on me the second she walked through the door.

"Are you actually freaking serious?" she screamed in my face. "What the fuck are you playing at?"

"I don't know what you're on about," I said coolly, trying unsuccessfully to hide my can behind my back.

"Four hours, Luke!" she shouted. "That was all and you couldn't even manage that!"

"We've been fine," I lied, tripping over my words. "Calm down, Pais."

Had I been sober, I wouldn't have dared use her old nickname in a million years.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" she narrowed her eyes threateningly "You're all drunk out of your flaming minds!"

"Relax," I drawled lazily. "I've barely had anything to drink."

"My arse," Paisley scoffed, her eyes scanning the empty bottles. "I can't believe you."

Look, Paisley, you're really over-reacting," I said, trying to be rational. "Let me drive you home and it'll all look better in the morning."

"I am not getting into a car with you!" she steamed furiously. "I might as well throw myself off a bridge and save you crashing!"

She marched over to Ava's push chair and grabbed the handles forcefully so Ava stirred in her sleep.

"Careful," I said at once. "You'll hurt her."

Paisley looked like she was going to explode with anger and for a minute or two I thought world war three was about to break out in our living room but then all the anger drained from her face leaving pure sadness beneath.

"I thought I could do it," she said quietly, looking at no one in particular. "I can't. This whole thing was a stupid idea."

I had no idea who she was talking to.

"What's a stupid idea babe?" I asked, emboldened by alcohol.

Paisley blinked at me in surprise then continued in the same sad voice she was using before.

"Us. I though we could maybe be friends, for Ava's sake at least but it's not working," she sighed. "I'm sorry Luke, but you're just too immature. You're putting Ava in danger and I can't deal with that. I don't want to be responsible when it all goes wrong or she gets hurt. I think it would be better for us all if we just cut all contact."

"Come on Paisley," I pleaded, sobering up quickly as I realized the implications behind her words. "You don't mean that. You can't take Ava away from me."

"Watch me!"

"It's against the law," I tried again. "I have rights too."

"Yeah, well take it to the courts," She snarled. "I'm sure I've got a few things to tell them."

She started walking out the door. I scrambled to my feet and rushed after her.

"Come on, don't go," I begged. "We can just talk about this. I swear, I'm sorry. Please Paisley!"

Paisley was done listening to my pitiful excuses; she was out of the door in about three seconds, slamming it behind her.

I growled in frustration and kicked at the door. My foot bounced back off the hard plastic. Beau came into the corridor.

"I guess you're not getting any tonight." he taunted.

Obviously, Paisley's harsh words hadn't affected his drunkenness like they had mine.

"Fuck off Beau," I said quietly. "I'm going to bed."

I trooped wearily upstairs, feeling unbelievably sorry for myself. I collapsed on my bed and screamed into the pillow. Why did I always have to fuck it up? Me and Paisley had been getting along so well recently and now she never wanted to see me again. And she said she was taking Ava away. She can't do that. Can she? I suppose if I took it to the courts like she suggested, she would use tonight against me. I'm sure being a part of the Janoskians wouldn't work in my favour either. I've got no chance but I can't lose my baby. I just can't.

Again ~ A Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now