Chapter 14

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When Paisley came back from visiting her brother, I wanted to thoroughly quiz her on everything she had done even though it was really nothing to do with me. However, I knew she would hate me interrogating her and held my tongue instead. Best not to risk what little friendship we had been able to salvage. She seemed happy enough anyway. Beau wasn't giving off any warning signs either so I decides not to press the issue.

Ava was asleep, cuddled up on my chest when Beau and Paisley got back. They were obviously tired after their journey but said nothing about it to anyone.

The others were chatting, stuffing their faces with snacks and playing on the Xbox all at the same time.

Paisley's eyes immediately sought out her daughter and her face softened when she saw her. Mum noticed at once and jumped on the opportunity to keep them here for as long as physically possible.

"There's no point disturbing her while she's sleeping," Mum said, bustling Paisley further into the room. "You might as well stay for a drink and a chat."

Paisley tore her gaze away from Ava to nod at Mum.

"Yeah that would be nice," she said, smiling widely.

Mum hurried off to the kitchen, delighted at the chance to find out everything she could about the visit.

Daniel waved awkwardly at Paisley whilst wrestling with an xbox controller. She grinned back at him.

"Daniel!" she said gleefully. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Yeah, not since this morning!" Daniel joked.

"Oh haha," Paisley smiled at him again and shoved his shoulder. "You know what I meant."

"Want some crisps?" he asked, offering his packet out to her.

"No thanks Daniel," she said, waving it away.

Daniel nodded but his brow furrowed like he was confused. I don't blame him; the old Paisley wouldn't have dared pass up on free food. She's changed. A lot has nowadays.

Mum came back, carrying two steaming mugs. She gave one to Paisley, warning her to be careful and sat down in her armchair, cradling the other.

"Any chance of me getting one?" Beau asked hopefully.

"You've got legs," Mum replied shortly. "Use them."

Beau scowled and stayed sitting down. He clearly wasn't that desperate for a drink.

"So, Paisley," Mum continued conversationally. "How'd it go today?"

"Really good actually," Paisley said, sounding as if she couldn't quite believe it. "I can't believe how much he's changed. Being in there seems to be doing him the world of good."

I watched as realisation slowly dawned on Daniel's and James' faces. Both of them had been curious about Paisley and Beau's absence but for once, neither of them so much as commented on it.

"I'm glad he's doing well," Mum said. "He's not a bad person."

Paisley nodded forcefully to agree.

"He's much better now," she said. "He was just in with the wrong crowd."

She took a sip of her drink whilst Mum smiled broadly at her. I didn't know what to think. Honestly, I had hated Cameron. I thought he was horrible bit Paisley wasn't stupid. Surely she must have thought that at the time as well. Perhaps he had changed.

"Did you show him the picture?" Jai asked.

"Yes, he knows all about Ava," Paisley said.

"What did he do?" Jai asked."Was he angry."

"A little at first," Paisley said. "But then he seemed to warm to the idea."

"Well at least he knows now," Mum said, sounding pleased.

She smiled at Paisley and sat back in her chair, satisfied with the answers she had gotten.

"We're doing a new video tomorrow Pais," Daniel said, wrapping his arm round her shoulders.

Even though I knew he was just being friendly and had no romantic interest in Paisley, this small gesture made me angry. A little at him for being to close to the girl I was in love with but mainly with myself. It should have been me with my arm draped around her but I wasn't, purely because of my selfish actions.

"Oh yeah?" Paisley sounded mildly interested though I think she might have been feigning.

"Yeah, another milk challenge," Beau joined in their conversation. "Did you see the last one?"

"I haven't seen any for a while," Paisley said, apologetically.

"You'll have to come round to watch it when Luke's finished editing," Beau said. "A VIP viewing."

I was trying to signal with my eyes to Beau that this was a bad idea. I didn't really want Paisley watching me embarrass myself. It was fine when we were going out but we had responsibilities now and I didn't want her thinking that I wasn't mature enough to deal with them. Beau didn't get the drift.

"That would be great!" Paisley laughed. "What does this challenge actually consist of?"

"Well basically, we mix milk with red bull and then we drink it." Jai explained. "The main aim is to throw up as many times as possible."

"Nice," Paisley wrinkled her nose.

"You better not come home covered in sick again," Mum said to us warningly. "I'm not washing anything."

Everyone laughed, even Paisley. Ava stirred as my chest moved and she frowned in her sleep.

"Hey, sorry baby girl," I said softly, still looking down at her.

When I looked back up, everyone was watching me.

"What?" I asked immediately.

Nobody answered me but they all exchanged knowing looks, grins splitting their faces. It was infectious and soon I felt myself joining in. Involuntarily, my eyes found Paisley's blue ones and held her gaze. They were bright with life and excitement and I felt like I was being sucked into them. Hook, line and sinker.

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