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It has been a week since classes started and Jiang Yanli has been glued to Wei Yue's side. The two girls rarely separated from each other, Wei Yingyue had asked for permission to move her Senior sister into her room, seeing as there was plenty of room for them to stay together. Now, the girl was by herself while standing in the cold springs, her back to the path that led to the spring shown to her by Lan Zhan when Lan Qiren instructed him to bring her to the spring.

Wei Yingyue was dressed in her white under robes, her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself down from stress of continuously begging for forgiveness for her twin. Lan Qiren and Lan Zhan were the two she'd spend hours upon hours doing deeds for in order to make up for Wei Ying's behavior, though today Lan Qiren was away so she had time to rest. Lan Zhan ordered her to the springs when she came to see him early in the morning. Now she stood in the small, secluded pool of ice cold water that was surrounded by jagged rocks that wrapped around the pool in an oval, the only way in and out was one path.

"Wei Yue, are you decent?" She turned at the sound of Lan Zhan's voice.

"Of course, Lan Zhan." She stated gently, lowering herself more in the water. He walked around the curve that blocked the water hole from view and bowed his head, crossing his arms behind his back as he frowned. "What's wrong, Lan Zhan?" She asked when she studied his expression.

"There's a water ghoul that was reported to my brother, it is killing people. My brother sent me here to get you because, of course, your brother insisted on your presence." Lan Zhan explained, causing Wei Yue to roll her eyes.

"Of course he insisted on my presence. He is upset I have refused to speak to him since your uncle ordered him to copy more rules. I have also been ignoring his presence and leaving when he approached me since yesterday after you told me about the Library incident between you two, and I informed him of why I was shunning him while beginning to rewrite the Buddist text he ruined." The girl stated as Lan Zhan walked on the other side of the stone wall, letting the girl come out from the water. She changed into a new set of under robes and pulled on her usual attire, which was her silver robe that Yanli had given her multiple pairs of.

"Your brother is-"

"My brother is pathetic, I know. You've told me, Lan Zhan." She sighed as she grabbed her sword and walked around the wall, leading him away from the pool as one of the servants walked by, going to get Wei Yue's dirty robes. Lan Zhan and the girl walked through the Recesses and made their way to where Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, and Wei Wuxian waited.

"Meimei!" Wei Ying called his sister, Jiang Cheng chuckling when the girl ignored her twin and bowed to her fiance.

"Zewu-Jun, thank you for letting me accompany you." She stated in a serious, monotone voice as she ignored Wei Ying's whining.

"Lady Wei, thank you for coming." He smiled, bowing in return before everyone mounted their swords. Wei Yue stayed in tow behind Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan was right beside her as Wei Ying tried to catch up.

"Wei Yingyue! Wei Yue!" He called, she simply moved closer to the oldest and crossed her arms behind her back. "Yingying, please!" He begged.

"Wei Wuxian, shut up!" She hissed, throwing him a glare.

"Wei Yue, how was your morning?" Jiang Cheng asked, coming up on the girls opposite side.

"Long, I have to copy the Buddist text Wei Ying ruined yesterday evening." She muttered.

"Ah! Lan Zhan! You told her I did that? Lan Zhan, you tore it up-"

"He tore it up because of what you turned it into, Wei Ying. Therefore, it was your fault. Now drop it and behave." The younger girl ordered, her brother huffed and crossed his arms as he muttered under his breath, though he didn't try to talk to her. The rest of the way to Caiyi Town was silent, besides the small talk between Wei Yue and Jiang Cheng. Soon, when they got to the town, everyone got off their swords. Wei Yue stayed with the brothers, leaving Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng to themselves. Wei Yue watched silently as Wei Ying purchased three jars of rice wine, handing one to Jiang Cheng before the two boys walked over to the girl as she stood with a disapproving look on her face.

"Gusu people talk in such a sugary way. How is this arguing? If they see how Yunmeng people argue, they might be scared to death." He stated as he stopped in front of her, holding out the jar. He went to say something as she simply stared at the jar, not moving to take it when he saw someone over her shoulder. "Why are you looking at me, Lan Zhan? It's not that I'm too stingy to buy you any-Aren't people from your Sect prohibited from drinking alcohol?" Wei Yue took the jar and punched her twin in the stomach gently, causing him to suck in a breath.

"Stop antagonizing him!" She hissed, pointing at him before she turned and walked towards Wangji.

"You drink?" Lan Zhan asked, his eyes on the jar she took from Wei Ying.

"Growing up with those two," she threw a glance at her brother and Jiang Cheng, "you grow an amazing tolerance to alcohol. But, yes, I drink occasionally. This jar is how he is trying to apologize, it's always been that way." She informed Lan Zhan.

"Okay, Yingying." He murmured as he turned away, a slight twitch of his lip told her he was teasing her.

"Lady Wei." She looked over as Lan Xichen came to her side, smiling gently as he bowed his head. "We were only able to get a few boats for each of the cultivators coming. Would you like to stay on shore or share with someone?" He asked lightly.

"I can share with someone." She stated gently, he nodded and scratched his chin as he began to think. "I can share with you, Zewu-Jun. That is, if you don't mind." He smiled and nodded before waving for her to follow him.

"I don't, let us board then." She nodded once before following him on to a narrow boat. Lan Xichen offered her a hand, holding her jar of wine for her as she lifted her robe slightly with one hand and took his hand with her other, stepping onto the boat. She picked up the paddle, though the man she was sharing the boat with grabbed it and she frowned.

"I'll row, you look out." He ordered, she sighed before nodding, standing in the front of him slightly. She looked around and shook her head, watching Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng messing around. "Are you happy that you've seen them?" Lan Xichen asked, she looked over her shoulder at him and nodded.

"Of course I am. Wei Xuxian is my twin, Jiang Cheng is like my little brother. I just wish they weren't so-"

"Pathetic." Lan Zhan said as his boat creeped next to their own.

"I was going to say stupid, but that works." She muttered, smiling to herself lightly.

Reflection of the Moon *The Untamed/MDZS/GDC*Where stories live. Discover now