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After the fight with Jin Zixuan had been broken up, both Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan were brought to receive their punishment. When they were asked about Wei Yingyue's role in the fight, both of the boys had insisted that she was not in their quarrel. It was, however, evident that Jin Zixuan had suffered a blow to the cheek from a fist that was too small to belong to Wei Ying. Just as they finished answering Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen's questions, Lan Wangji announced his arrival and explained he had already decided on the female cultivator's punishment.

"Have her start it immediately, Wangji. Wei Yingyue has been in more trouble this visit, we must implement the same rules to her that we would anyone. I wish for her to copy the rules three-hundred times this time, then she must make new copies of the manuscripts that you feel need maintenance. Stay there and observe her, make sure she is not interrupted." Lan Qiren ordered when his nephew explained the punishment, Wei Ying went to speak as Lan Qiren turned away from them but Lan Xichen looked at him and shook his head once. The younger male averted his eyes as Lan Zhan stepped back, bowing deeply before leaving his uncle to inform Wei Yue the changes of her punishment. He walked to her room swiftly, silently as he gripped Bichen in his palm.

When he made it to her siheyuan he walked towards the door that was opened, walking inside slowly as his eyes scanned around to see no one. He looked around the space and thought, turning swiftly as another location for the girl popped into his head. He closed the door when he exited, crossing his arms behind his back as he made his way towards the Library Pavilion. As he neared the voices of Jiang Yanli entered his ears, the corner of his lip twitching slightly as Wei Yue silently responded.

"Wei Yue, Huaguang-Jun said to start this tomorrow." The older girl scolded as she stood in front of Wei Yue's desk, her narrowed eyes looking down as the girl copied the house rules of the GusuLan Sect. As Lan Wangji stepped inside the girls looked up, Wei Yue stood and bowed beside her sister. When they straightened Jiang Yanli stepped forwards slightly, glancing at Wei Yue before turning to Lan Zhan. "Second Brother Lan, can you please tell Wei Yingyue that she should be resting instead of insisting that she needs to do her punishment now?" Wei Yingyue looked at Lan Wangji as her Jiejie spoke, meeting his eyes before he looked at Yanli.

"My uncle insists that Wei Yingyue begins her punishment now." He informed her, she froze before looking at her companion as Lan Wangji looked back at her. "He also insists, due to previous incidents, that you copy the rules three-hundred times. I am also tasked with finding you manuscripts to rewrite as well, and she must not be interrupted." He directed the last bit to Jiang Yanli, she was shocked at all the work her Meimei was ordered to do as she turned and looked at the girl. Wei Yue nodded once before looking at her Jiejie, smiling as she grabbed the girl's elbow gently.

"Jiejie, you have been with me this entire time. Why don't you go back to the siheyuan and rest, Jiang Cheng might be looking for you as well to make sure you're okay." Wei Yue whispered to the older girl as Lan Zhan walked away, going into the area that was home to numerous books that needed to be rewritten.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" She asked, worry etched into her eyes.

"Yes, and Lan Zhan will be here so I will not be alone." Jiang Yanli smiled as she nodded, rubbing her Meimei's shoulders before hugging her, bowing towards Lan Wangji as he walked out with a few books. He set them on the desk that was beside Wei Yue's and bowed in return, watching as Wei Yingyue resumed where she had left off on the rules when he had walked in.

It was nearing dinner time when Wei Yingyue reached her one-hundred and ninety-seventh copy of the rules, looking at Lan Zhan as he set down his brush when her eyes rose to the figure standing in the door. Her eyes widened as she set down her brush, lifting herself to her feet as she watched her Uncle Fengmian, Wei Wuxian, and the Jiang siblings stepped inside the Pavilion. Both Wei Yingyue and Lan Wangji stepped out from behind their desks, bowing deeply to the Sect Leader before Lan Wangji nodded to the girl beside him, excusing himself to give the family privacy. As soon as he left, Wei Yingyue looked to the ground as she clenched her fist.

"I apologize, Uncle." She whispered, closing her eyes as she felt her nails bite into her palms. She remained still and quiet as no one spoke, the three young cultivator's on either side of Jiang Fengmian holding their breath as he walked towards the girl.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" He asked, stopping in front of her as she looked up.

"I lost control and hit Young Master Jin, I took part in ruining the engagement he had with Yanli-Jiejie, and I acted out when it could ruin your name." She answered, frowning at herself as her voice wavered.

"Ah-Yue, you need to listen to me." Sect Leader Fengmian sighed as he grabbed her shoulders, his eyes looking into her own as he smiled. "You did what you did to defend your family, to protect the ones you love." He continued, reaching up to turn her head as he took in the bruise on her cheek. "I just wish you would be careful with whom you pick fights with, Yingying." He straightened and patted her head, stepping back so that the four of them stood in an oval. "Now that we're all here, I am going to inform you that I will be taking your sister and brother back to Lotus Pier with me." Uncle Fengmian told Wei Yingyue as Wei Ying walked to his sister, wrapping an arm around her as he hugged her gently. "You and Jiang Cheng will remain here and continue lessons, but I think Wei Ying has outstayed his welcome and Jiang Yanli needs to be at home right now." The twins looked at their older sister, the girl smiling as she gave a small nod at Wei Yue.

"Don't worry Father, I'll watch out for Jiejie." Jiang Cheng smiled as he looked at Wei Yingyue, the girl nodding slowly as she grinned.

"Don't worry Uncle, I'll make sure Jiang Cheng does his work and pays attention." She retorted as she raised an eyebrow at the younger boy, wrapping her arms around Wei Ying tightly as she turned and poked his back while he stuck his tongue out at Jiang Cheng. "You behave at home, and make sure to write to me if you need anything." She ordered her twin brother, who looked down at her as he nodded before kissing the top of her head. Closing her eyes, Wei Yue rested her head on Wei Ying's chest as she listened to him talk to Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli about how he was excited to return home when she felt eyes on her back.

"Lan Zhan." She said lightly, causing everyone to stop and look at her when a figure in the doorway moved towards them as she turned her head. He looked down at her and she nodded, straightening before walking to Jiang Yanli and her Uncle Fengmian, hugging them gently. "I promise you guys to behave from here on out." She said as she walked her family to the door, smiling as she let the arm around Jiang Yanli before she followed her father and Wei Ying outside, Jiang Cheng turning to his Jiejie.

"Will I see you at dinner?" He asked, crossing his arms as he glanced at Lan Wangji, who was now sitting and writing behind them.

"Probably not, I have one-hundred and three copies of rules to write." She sighed, shaking her head as she scratched her neck.

"I can bring dinner by to your room after I am don-"

"She's going to dinner." Lan Wangji stated in an even tone that carried to them, both of the younger cultivators turning to see him looking at Wei Yue. "You're going to dinner, you will eat, then you will sleep and finish this all tomorrow." She let out a sigh before turning to her Didi, smiling as she shrugged.

"I'll be going to dinner then." He nodded as he looked back at her, patting her shoulder before rushing to catch up to his family and her brother. Wei Yingyue returned to her seat, rotating her left wrist before picking up her brush. "Do I really have to-"

"Yes." Lan Zhan answered before she finished, looking at her as she narrowed her eyes at him. "You and I will be going to dinner in five hours, now work." He nodded towards her papers, not breaking his gaze from hers until she huffed, turned her head, and began to write the house rules until dinner.

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