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ෆ( Your POV )ෆ

I can't believe master frown did this! "That was totally not cool..." You said mad-sad looking down at the ground. "Aww come on N/n, don't be that sad master frown may have done this-" Unikitty was interrupted by you. "Unikitty this was supposed to be a special time with all of us...but.." I started to cry, tears running down my face normally I wouldn't be so sad about a situation like this but, I did.

Unikitty gave you a hug for comfort the rest did as well. You thanked them. All of you left and went back home aka Unikitty's house or our house.

☆( Master frowns POV )☆

We left out of Unikindom and to Frown Town.
"Yes!!" I shout loud "I did it, I finally did it I made the whole town go nuts!" I laugh historically.
Brock was in the kitchen making his best homemade cookies, "hooray." Brock said behind my  laughter. "What's the matter Brock, you seem a little bland, bored was the carnival not fun?" Brock looked back at me "Well.. what you did really wasn't cool, don't get me wrong! I support you and your struggles to keep your job. But I wanted to apologize to Unikitty's sister.. what was her name N/n?-" "Y/n?" I said with one of my eyebrows up. "Yeah! Her! Well I wanted to make her my homemade cookies. So I was thinking that... We.. can go together to Unikindom and apologize to her and her friends.?"

"What!?" I said in shock.

"Can't go out there, you know the reputation I hold and part of it is not to do good deeds in that depressing land!?"

"Dude I know, but how about you sneak out and apologize to her secretly and the frown people lords won't notice, simple as that dude."

"Please dude."


*In Unikindom and Unikitty's home*
       *Still master frowns POV*

"Brock.. are you sure this is a good idea.. what if I get spotted!?" I whispered loudly behind Brock. "Look just stay calm we'll get through this."


We arrive at Unikitty's eye burning house. I stand next Brock in a different outfit. Brock knocks on the large doors I stood still trying not to panic much.

Thank God it's not Y/n.
It's Unikitty at least.

I think to myself relieved, and took a deep breath and let it out.
Brock started introduction and then decided to bring up Y/n to this useless conversation.

"Hmm.. master frown is that you? What are you doing here!"

"Shhhhh! Just bring Y/n over here and get this done before I get caught!" I said waving my hands and arms at Unikitty's face telling her to go get what I said done.

"Alright alright, I'm going. Would you like to come inside instead of waiting here?" Unikitty said nicely. Brock kindly approved while I stayed silent.

*Minutes later*

[ No one's POV ]

Master frown and Brock sit down patiently waiting for Unikitty to come back with Y/n. "Hey bro, uhm why did you take a sigh of relief when Unikitty opened the door?" Brock told Master Frown while looking at the cookies. "I..uh.. what are you talking about? I never did such a thing." Master Frown said smiling and sweating and chuckling uncontrollably.

Right when Brock was about to propose to him he was interrupted by Unikitty with Y/n behind her. Y/n looked over to Master Frown with a mad, sad, nervous look almost looking embarrassed but really isn't.

Master Frown looks back at you scared, guilty, and embarrassed.

To be continued ***

Thank you guys for the reads this is one of my most favorite, improved, fast growing books I have made out of my cringe worthy books have a good night/day. be good! Be happy. Life will get better before we all know it.

I love ya 💖💞

𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now