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"hey! Uhm bf/n why don't we go to the lobby and talk for a bit so you know catch up..!" I said a bit nervous. "Hmm sure but let's not make these people wait too long."

I nodded and we both walk to lobby in silence. "how you holding up today bf/n.." "I guess I'm fine but it's not really part of your business." "I'm trying to help you in your best friend and I have to look- no we have to look after each other.. are you sure you ok after what happened..you know.." "yes I know.. and I'm positive that I'm just as good as you." I look down.. I just feel so guilty about this even when I ask her if she's ok and she says so, but I still feel a bit useless to her..am I failing my one and only favorite job in the world.. protecting the ones I love..?

"We're here.. what did you want to talk about.. and it better not be about what happened.."

"It's not at all.. bf/n you're my best friend in the whole world you mean everything to me but.."
"But..? We sometimes fight but that's what all relationships do right? So normal." "Right..at the room uhm..uh how do I put this... Why were you looking at master frown like that..?"

"Oh so that's his name.. I thought it would be more like yellow face almost like blue face. Anyway what about him are you two dating or something.." "wait what..!? No we're not im just.. uh we.."

"Look we can talk about this later, we have to go.." "uhm yeah right.."

As we walk back we heard some loud noises coming from Unikitty's room. We both look at each other and back at the room and opened the door.

"BOOM BOOM BOOM I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM TO SPEND THIS NIGHT TOGETHER-" the music suddenly stopped. Everyone stared at us while they were frozen in their dancing. "Uhm mind telling us what happened..." "Uh we just went crazy.."

I looked up to see master frown duck taped to the ceiling I can tell he was extremely mad and scared that he might fall face flat. The bed sheets were all on the floor and one on top of Puppycorn who was still running around singing the lyrics. I walk to him and take off the blanket. "OH it's morning already!"


𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now