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☁️ Just another day in Unikitty's home having fun with each other's presence ☁️

5/29/2020 ☄️

Narrators POV ✨

It was a fun day with the gang. Doing all sorts of things that friends do, later on, sadly the day was slowly getting worse...

Y/n was chased by a herd of F/a.
( Feared animal)

Master frown was called to go see his boss, after that they had to fire him.

Dr. Fox made a experiment and with that it exploded..in her base though

Puppy corn lost his favorite toy.


It started to rain

Later on that day

All of them were sitting on a couch near a big window. Some were quiet and some were talking about how it was all good in the beginning. Y/n had an idea, but Dr Fox and hawkodile thought it was best to 'lay low' since something else bad might happen. "Pleaase! It's just one small Idea what's the worst that can happen!" She gave them puppy eyes and bowed her head down. "Uhm.. I think it might..be a good idea.." master frown said looking down at Y/n. " Gasp!! Really!?" The little hybrid shot her head up and looked at her new best friend.

☄️ Mini time skip brought to you by a merry go round ☄️

💫 Puppy corn's POV 💫
Y/n has a crush on master frown for sure, but I don't want my sister to be with someone who was being a meanie to me and my friends or family.! I shot my arm in the sky like a superhero. "Uhm puppy corn you..okay..?"
Hawkodile asked pointing at me.

"I'm going to save my siss life!" I say with a proud face. "Alright.. come on you're going to miss the surprise y/n said earlier!"

"Surprise!? Nevermind what I said about earlier!" I said running around Hawkodile.

💮Y/n POV💮

Yay I can't believe it after all this time I finally got it. IM GONNA MAKE THREE RAINBOWS!! I said in my mind

"Okay guys! I've been training for this moment! Can you all sit right here please.?" I said flying to the greyish and whitish clouds. I made small hole when I flew to a cloud with a sun ray coming through it. I took a deep breath and was in a pouncing position, I jumped and everywhere for three times and later a few seconds there stood three rainbows I flew to the middle of them "Tada!!" I said looking forward to my friends. Especially Master frown.

 (Made by me also it says 'multi= F/c' fur color-To much rainbows bruh-)

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(Made by me also it says 'multi= F/c' fur color-
To much rainbows bruh-)



"This beautiful!"

"Amazing work Y/n!"

I got a Few complements from the kingdom I smiled so much I had to rub my cheeks.

"You like it?"

I said to them face to face. Brock picked me up and said 'that it was the most amazing thing I ever seen'. I could see master frown looking the other way with his arms crossed.

Is.. he jealous..?
💮💫Thanks for the reads
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  Thanks for everything

𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now