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In the gift shop

     "Puppycorn! What should I get? The pink star pin or this pastel purple star pin?" She asked to her brother. "Uhhh the first one!" Master frown and Y/n come through the front door. "Oh master frown! Y/n! Uh- why are you all wet? Did something happen!? Did mast-" Hawkodile cover her mouth and smiled. "She's fine! It's sweat from working out like me!" He said flexing his muscles. "Haha no.. I'm too lazy to work out I can only run 200 meters.." Master frown had already left to roam around the medium sized shop.

"Well it's 1:10 pm who's wants to go back and eat something on the way!" "YEAH!!" Unikitty and the others ran out the store and left Master Frown  there to pay for something. They all finally drive to a nearby restaurant and order. After that they head to the hotel, and go to bed.

    Master Frown's POV

I head to bed and turn off the lamp.

I want to go back to normal me...the one who stole candy from a baby. Or the one who got away with all the mischief I caused, but I can't with these stupid feelings for...y/n?

My eyes shot open with a blush, covering my mouth. "Whaaat?? No way I actually have feelings for.."

No one's POV

He flipped to the side the bed still covering his mouth with a big blush. He removed his hands and smiled a bit. Then he remembered something causing the innocent smile to a evil smirk. Starting tomorrow, I will become who I am supposed to be..

"Welcome back Master Frown"


So sorry for the short chapter but at least it was cute..? I dunno (o:
Important question
I was wondering if I should change the whole book.

What I mean is that instead of the people being lego why not human?
It would feel better because of the settings used for this book.

Please let me know

Bye y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now