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✨Y/n's POV✨

Yes! Finally I'm friends with master frown, I'm so happy for two reasons

1: we can all actually have fun time.

2: he won't (hopefully) not do anything bad to us or the whole kingdom.

(Later in somewhere around the corner of the kitchen!)

Narrator POV

"Ok master frown, Unikitty's gonna help you bake some cookies and we will decide which one is better! The loser has to be my tes- u-uh I mean has to go to the tub of ice!"
Explained Dr.Fox standing on top of the table pointing out a medium sized tub full with cold water and ice.

Master frown knew that he was going to fail but he just had to deal with it. Unikitty looked like she was about to explode with excitement with the biggest smile on her face. Seeing this just made master frown double think he was gonna be ok, but with the corner of his eye he saw Y/n holding up a sign saying 'YOU BOTH CAN DO IT!' in big bold letters in glitter. With that same smile Unikitty had. Master frown had a strange feeling in his gut making him want to jump up and down, but of course never shows.

💫 Master frowns POV 💫

What the- I never wanted to make cookies not even wanting help. Let alone Brock is the best cookie maker of all time!

This is weird that sign Y/n made gave me a weird vibe and the goosebumps. I want this feeling to go away for good and if it is the l word...

I'm gonna have a mental break down.!

Stay focused Master Frown!

While I was having a mental talk with my brain Unikitty was explaining how to make 'the best cookies of all time'. "You got everything master frown?" Said Unikitty in a cheerful tone. "Uhh-" I was cut off."GREAT LETS DO THIS!!" Unikitty spined in a circle and stoping in the air with those things popping out. Oh boy...

After the cooking

Finally finished with the dessert. Sure it looked like a green blob of slime still looks good! Giving myself a mental smile. I placed the plate next to Unikitty's... Better cookie.. dang it I lost I can tell!!

"Well cookies are served! Made them with soul and passion!" I said in a sarcastic way.

Everyone looked at mine and swore they saw something crawl inside. "Uhm.. I don't think we can eat this but on the other hand, you are STILL THE LOSER!!" Dr. Fox said with a killer smile. Everybody shoved me down to here the tub was at. "Wait! Wait! How about a game of cards!?" I said nervously then Unikitty burned the cards right from my hands.

"GREAT! Now you have to reasons to go to the tub!" Unikitty laughed. Everyone else agreed even Brock... Why him sadly he got infected and became one of them.

"Wait how long do I have to be there..?" I asked

"Only for an hour!" Y/n said smiling with her eyes closed. That damn smile.

After dunking master frown in the tub

"I...hate..you all.." I said pausing from the cold water, but I don't think I hate one that much....

"We love you too master frown!!" Everyone said as they rested themselves on the couch while I'm next to the chimney with the warm fire.

"Come on drink up frown your not going to be fully warm without my signature hot cup of coco." Y/n looked at me with a cup of the coco she mentioned. I hesitated for a bit

"Come on it won't bite you!" She gave me the cup I sighed as I took the cup from her hands. A few seconds passed and Y/n was sleeping on my lap everybody kept staring at me which made me uncomfortable then I was when the cooking started.

I few minutes passed which felt like an eternity we started talking about the Adventures we had together when all this never happened.

🌙 Y/n POV ✨

I hoped master frown noticed me..I'm sure he did I know it good thing this is only the beginning...
. ✨Hello guys sorry haven't updated in a while I'm a Taurus I sleep all day ✨😜
Anyway hope I can make a chapter tonight at like... 2am or 3am lol

❤️Byee take care ✨🌙💫🌸💖

𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now