✿ 6 ✿

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{ No one's POV }

Master frown quickly looked away and groaned and crossed his arms. Y/n followed Unikitty nervous to what will happen. "Ok I brought her what did you need to do again?" "Oh! Master frown said he was going to apologize to Y/n. Right master FROWN?" Master frown looked at him and then at Y/n, and mumbled something under his breath. Y/n didn't really want him to apologize to her in fact she really didn't want to see him, but thinking like that really makes her feel guilty of some sort. "Right bro?" Brock said as he got Y/n attention to make her look at Master frown. "......right." Y/n was shocked so was Unikitty. "Well either way I got these for you and your friends to enjoy." Brock said handing Unikitty the tray of cookies to her.

*Later on*

✯ Master frowns POV ✯

Great. Not only I'm supposed to apologise to Y/n, I have to say it in front of her face and make my voice sound sorrowful for her. Ughhh why did I agree to this again? Out of nowhere Brock pushed me CLOSER to Y/n which made me turn red a bit. I backed up and so did the girl in front of me, Y/n. I sweated a lot because they are all staring at me. Literally every one. Brock, Unikitty, Dr.fox, Hawkodile, Richard, and Y/n, but she stared at the ground.. waiting.

"..ugh I am.. so..so sorry...that I uhm almost-"


"That I got you stuck there in the first place... I'm sorry.."

"Do you accept my apology?"

Y/n looked didn't look so pleased but had a happy smile, to be honest I kinda miss the smile on her face.

"Of course I forgive your apology master frown!"

She hugged me, and the others were talking and saying "aww" and such.

"So does this mean we're friends now!?" Y/n looked at me with a happy face. Unikitty looked like she was about to explode when she would be shocked to hear what my response is. "Uhm.... Sure..?" I said nervous. Everybody screamed and picked me up and down cheering for me for some reason. "Yo you did it bro it wasn't so -" I cut him off "Everyone put me down!" And with that they did "good." I put my hands on my hips. Then everyone hugged me it was crowded so I could move, but I smiled. But I felt a familiar hug, Y/n was hugging me and cuddling me, rubbing her head on my chest. I blushed but I enjoyed the moment.
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter
If you have a question like "WaS tHaT tHe BiG miStAKE hE MaDE??"
Nope there's more to it then some carnival accident. Just wait

💫Stay home and wash your hands. I love you 💖💞

✨ Your's truly your author 💫

𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚♡Master Frown x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now