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The next day, I woke up to sunlight pouring into my room through my curtains. I groan and turned the other way, shielding the sunlight with my back. I cuddled the pillow between my arms and swiftly fell asleep once again. I was woken up once again by someone shaking me slightly and I groggily look over my shoulder at the person who woke me up. My hair was a tangled mess, the blanket was covering my bare chest. 

My eyes were a bit blurry causing me only to see the outline of the body that loomed over my laying one. The person leaned a bit closer to my face and my eyes were a bit clearer than before. They widen just a bit and I was about to scream, he covered my mouth and made a shushing motion with one of his slender fingers, causing a shiver to run down my body. 

My body was shivering slightly and tears started to prick the corners of my eyes, unconditionally, the red linings in my eyes shone brightly and the familiar golden words moved around my neck like a choker. I see him smirk as he was just an inch away from my face, I glare at him and started biting his gloved hand, yet he didn't seem bothered at all as my canines started to dig into his flesh. Golden blood started dripping from his hand and fell onto my covers, staining them with its extraordinary color. 

He slowly places his lips on his hand that covered my lips and a red tint painted itself over my cheeks, I harden my glare when his lips drew back along with hand. He grips my shoulders and pulled me to his chest, I started pounding onto his chest with my fists but it didn't seem to phase him one bit. Luckily, the blanket was sticking to my bare chest like glue and his arms wrapped themselves over my biceps. 

I hiccuped as the frustrated tears fell from my eyes, slowly gliding off my cheeks. "Don't cry," his husky voice was like a haunting echo as he spoke, "I want to bring you back, but you know I banished you." I fell limp into his hold and mumbled out weakly, "What has been done can't be undone, Zeus. You know this, once banished, one can't return to the paradise which they call home." He chuckles with sadness and regret as he continued to cling onto my body. 

Slowly, his body started to disappear into nothingness and I continued to weep in silence, his voice echoed as his body once gone, "Just keep living peacefully, Athena. Forget about us and live on." I wailed loudly, causing the bedroom door to be slammed open and a body came running to me. The person hugged the dear life out of my wailing body and started saying sweet nothings to me. 

Slowly, I quietened down and stayed in their arms. They started reassuringly rubbing my head and stayed silent, I rest my head onto their shoulder and the tears that slipped from my eyes stopped. My neck was back to normal and the red linings in my irises faded away as the time passed by. Slowly, I turn my head to look who was currently holding me in their hold and was surprised to see Izuku. 

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