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3rd POV

Aizawa was bloodied as he was being held down by the creature, Reaper was lying in a horrible state at the leader's feet. Her body was also a bit bloody from unknown injuries, the leader Shigaraki was looking at her body with a blank look. She was breathing heavily and you could see she was fighting to stay conscious. Shigaraki grabs her by her ponytail and pulled her head up, she grits her teeth and slowly hisses as blood flowed down her face.

He grabs her mask off of her face and in a slow manner it disintegrated, the pieces of her mask fell to the ground his hand was just an inch away from her skin. She glares at him as she pulled all her remaining strength and gripped his forearm as tightly at that moment. He stares amused at her actions and shook off her grip. 

He gripped her face and lets go of her hair, pulling it out of her ponytail. Her locks fell to her shoulders in a slow-motion, sticking to her skin where the blood escaped from. He watched as her eyes closed gradually, showing she was unconscious. He grinned and harshly threw her to the ground, her body rolled a bit until she was facing Izuku who was hiding in a bush. He stopped breathing when he witnessed the scene.

"Kurogiri," Shigaraki said as he looked Reapers' body, "She is one of the most important heroes in the world, Father would be pleased if he saw her defeated face." Kurogiri looked where he was looking at and nods, "Ah, I recognize her. Reaper, the no. 3 ranked hero in the world." Her body twitches slightly as she regains her consciousness slowly. She opened her eyes slowly and she narrows her eyes in pain. 

The two villains spoke as they watch how the Nomu held Aizawa down, she slowly gets up without them noticing. She staggers a bit but glared at them with blood-red eyes, her wings sprouted from her again. Only this time, it wasn't only two wings but four. Her hands started turning black and it stopped until her elbow, black and red markings circled her neck slowly. She smiles widely as she narrowed her devilish eyes at the speaking villains, her canines growing sharper at the passing minute.

Kurogiri only noticed her when she was next to Shigaraki, her hand just a few centimeters away from his exposed neck. A red magic circle appeared at her fingertips and a high temperature of heat was about to erupt from it. As if it was in slow motion, Shigaraki turned his head around and saw her expression, a wide evil smile, and her eyes were shadowed with bloodlust and killing intent. 

The black flames erupted and licked his face slightly but Kurogiri teleported themselves away from her flames, the flames exploded massively, reaching to the other end of USJ

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The black flames erupted and licked his face slightly but Kurogiri teleported themselves away from her flames, the flames exploded massively, reaching to the other end of USJ. Her chuckles echoed as the flames sizzled everything in its path. As Shigaraki and Kurogiri were in a safe place, they were frozen when they saw the destruction her simple attacked caused. Now just imagine if Kurogiri didn't teleport them to a safer place. 

She tilted her head a bit and said in a disappointed tone, "Ah, it seems I missed my targets. What a shame..." She looked at them in the corner of her eye and she turned to them slowly. They were on guard, knowing she wasn't playing anymore. With a hand on her hip, she stared them down with a smirk, "Now, gentlemen, what is your goal? Are you maybe here to kill the symbol of peace, by any chance?"

Neither of them spoke and they wanted to do but they were struck with fear. She lifted her hand and a scythe started materializing in her hand. The weapon was bloodied and oddly shaped, looking unfit to be used in battle. She traces her fingers tips over the bloodied blade with a seductive look as her hand was covered with the blood.

 She traces her fingers tips over the bloodied blade with a seductive look as her hand was covered with the blood

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[A/N: Just a reference on how her appearance is almost like at the current scene.]


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Shigaraki grits his teeth and suddenly runs to where Izuku and they were hiding, he was about to touch Asui's face but froze when he felt a cold metal touch his neck. "Shigaraki, dear, I think that is enough." She spoke in a calm voice like she always did in the past when he took something to far. He felt enraged and looked back at her, she returned the look. Izuku and they were shocked to see and hear what is happening. 

Aizawa activated his quirk when he saw Shigaraki touch Asui's face, Reaper sighs, "My god, you're still the same as you were when you were a child." She spoke as she took her scythe from his neck while grabbing the back of his shirt, she threw him back at Kurogiri, who caught him. She turned to Asui with a blank face, "It's best you run away and grab Aizawa once I'm finished with that hideous creature." 

And with that she was in front of the creature and swang the scythe, slicing through his torso. The creature screeches loudly as he backed off, Aizawa was breathing heavily and she motioned Asui and Mineta with her head. They quickly grabbed him and carried him towards the remaining class who were on top of the stairs. 

She looked at Shigaraki with a glare, "You never learn do you, Shigaraki." He felt the rage flow through his veins, and Izuku took that chance to attack him. "Smash...!" He slammed his fist and a high wind pressure erupted, Reaper looked at him unamused yet impressed. She then noticed the Nomu was missing and she looked where Izuku was. She felt her world go still when she noticed the Nomu in front of Izuku, completely regenerated. 

She was about to attack the Nomu and Shigaraki but stopped when the doors of USJ slammed open. All Might walks in as the dust erupts from the slam of the door, she noticed he wasn't smiling and she smirked widely. 

"Now this where the fun begins," she said as she looked at Shigaraki with glowing eyes. Multiple shadows surround her and she felt power course through her veins. All Might has entered the battle. 

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