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There was silence as we both walked down the quiet hallways, neither of us spoke. When we reached the classroom, he slammed the door open. Many heads turn our way but quickly look away when they see Bakugo. He grabs his bag and walked out of the classroom, I smile at him and we continued to head out the school. We were about halfway out of the school grounds until we heard a familiar voice stops us. 

I look over my shoulder to see who it was, but Bakugo wraps his arm around my neck and pulled me in front of him, forcing me to keep walking. The voice shouts for a second time and Bakugo stops with me in front of him. I hear running footsteps stop behind us and I wanted to glance who it was but Bakugo keeps my head forward with his hand as he glares over his shoulder, sneering, "What?"

The voice started nervously, "There's one thing I feel like I have to tell you. My Quirk is something I received from someone else." I felt my blood run cold when I realized who it was, my thoughts were screaming at him to stay quiet as cold seat started dripping off of my head. Bakugo could only respond with a 'Huh?' as he turned around to look at him, still hiding me from his perspective. 

Izuku continued, "I can't say who I got it from, though! I won't say... But it's like a story out of comic books, except its true. On top of that, I still can't control it properly. It's just a borrowed power that I haven't made my own yet." Bakugo continued to glare at him, impatient of what he's trying to imply. "That's why..." He gulped a bit, "I tried to beat you without using it. But, in the end, I couldn't win and had to rely on it."

I frown and tried to take Bakugo's hand off of my head, but he only gripped a tad tighter. At this point, Bakugo was slightly shaking from anger. "I've still got a long way to go..." Murmur Izuku as he explained further, "That's why..." Bakugo was completely pissed off at the moment and Izuku didn't notice, "That's why-- One day, I will make this Quirk my own and beat you with my power!"

It was completely quiet, and Bakugo was staring at Izuku with wide comical eyes which caused me to laugh suddenly. Izuku looked surprised when he heard my laughter but before he could say anything, Bakugo cuts him off harshly, "What the hell is that?" I stopped laughing when I heard his tone, surprised at this voice coming off this weak yet so angry. 

"'Borrowed Power'?" He mocked as he turned to him with a blank face, his hair covering his eyes. I become a bit worried but stayed my distance from him, he spat out, "You're talking nonsense. What are you trying to do, make me out to be more of a fool than you already have?" We stare at him as he continued to spill his feelings, "Huh? What are you trying to say? Today, I lost to you..." He glanced at me over his shoulder and I was frozen to my spot. 

"That's all it was... That's all... As I watched the ice guy, I thought, 'I can't beat him!' Damn it!" At this point, he was furiously gripping his hair out of frustration. "I ended up agreeing with what that ponytail said! Damn it! Damn it, damn it..." He looked up and we both saw the frustrated tears in his eyes, my eyes soften slowly and I frown.

"I'm just... I'm just getting started! You hear? Here, I will become number 1!" He roars and he grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze and a soft tug. I allow him to pull my body to where he wants to. I look over my shoulder at Izuku, giving him a small smile. He continues to stare at us, suddenly, All Might was behind me. 

I glare at him, a red lining surround my irises, stopping him in his tracks. Some golden symbols started swirling around my neck like a choker and I gave a dangerous aura off, which clearly said 'Fuck off or else I'll fuck you up right now.' I look back at Bakugo, completely forgetting what I just did and all the symbols disappeared in a second. 

After a while of walking, I tugged his hand a bit, "Bakugo, are you sure that you're--" Before I could finish my question, I was immediately brought in his hold, my face was being muffled by his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and listened as his tears spilled from his eyes once again. I sigh, "Hey, how about we talk about this at your house, alright?" He slowly lets go of my body and looks away with a slightly red face as he nods softly, causing a soft expression to bloom onto my face, happy to see this soft side of him.

I link my arm around him and we walked off to his house, once we got there, I was immediately greeted by his parents and he took me to his bedroom. As he opened the door, a familiar scent of burned caramel hits my senses. I step into the room behind him and closed the door while glancing around the room. 

I was suddenly hit by an oversized hoodie against my face again, and took it off of my face, glaring at the boy who was laying on his bed with his forearm over his eyes. I sigh and slip the shirt he gave me earlier over my head and let it fall to the floor. I turn to the corner and started slipping the bandages off, hissing slightly when I accidentally touched my burned skin. The bandages fall to the floor, leaving me waist up bare naked. 

I felt eyes on me and glanced over my shoulder to be met with ruby-colored eyes. He was staring at my back with a hurtful expression, I sigh. "Hey," I call out to him while looking at him over my shoulder, "We've talked about this, Katsuki. I'm not repeating the conversation we had before, but I'll let you know I can heal it." 

He lifts a brow, clearly questioning me. I smile while murmuring, "Οι συνάδελφοι από πάνω μου, μου παραχωρούν ένα υγιές και αβλαβές σώμα. Αν παραχωρηθεί, θα είμαι ευγνώμων και θα είμαι στο χρέος σας μέχρι την επόμενη ειδοποίηση." Immediately, a pearl white light glowed over my burns and they disappear without a trace. I shake my head slightly and turned my head back to continue putting the hoodie on, completely ignoring his burning gaze.

Before I could slip the hoodie over my head, I slammed into the wall.  I place my hands onto the wall before my face could make contact with the surface and a hand held the back of my neck while the other one was feeling my back. I gasp and try to escape from the uncomfortable position, he pushed himself against me and whispered, "You should be more cautious of what you do, damn woman."

I let out a small yelp and nod while shaking softly, he lets go of my body and quickly slipped the hoodie over my head before I could notice. I was then dragged to his bed and he tossed my body onto the bouncy mattress. He played next to me and wrapped his arms around my stomach, his legs getting tangled with mine as he spooned me. I stay quiet and stared into the darkness, he slowly fell asleep with me in his arms, not knowing that I have to leave soon.

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