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||3RD POV||


As the smoke disappeared, a female voice spoke through it, surprising everyone, "My, kids these days always surprise me with their powers and egos." A golden shield was shining through the smoke and the kids saw her figure stand between the smoke, her hair flowed with the breeze while her eyes were glowing garnet. Her outfit was a black zipped up jacket and a maroon-colored jean that had one leg, black combat shoes were on her feet. She looks behind her and saw that everyone was fine causing her to smile, a scowl appeared on her face as she turns towards the kids, the shield disappeared along with the smoke. 


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She rolled her shoulders slightly as she narrowed her eyes at them, silence erupted around the entire stadium as they saw her figure. "So," She started with a scowl but it turned into a snarl as she continued, "Whose plan was this?" No one spoke and she spread her arms as she reassured, "Now, don't be scared! I'm just curious to know who was the brat who planned to hurt future heroes in training! It's not like I'm going to do something to you!" No one believed her when she said that as they saw her aura turn intimidating and heavy. She sighs as she had her hands on her hips, she taunted as she looked around, "I'm just going to say, the one that planned this..." Her eyes landed on the blonde boy who was away from the rest and she continued with a smirk, "...Is a real coward and idiot."

She looked away from the kid and walked towards Present Mic while exclaiming, "Hi~ I hope you guys don't mind me dropping in!" Everyone watched how she heads towards the hero who was next to the teacher of the kids, they talked for a bit but she had a pout on her face as she complained, "I don't need rest! I'm perfectly fine!" Present Mic frowned and retorted, "You got kidnapped and was held captive for two days, got rescued, temporary lost your Quirk, went missing for the rest of the week, and appeared out of nowhere." She was silent but muttered as she pointed her finger at him, "Touche." Suddenly, everything changed and she looked around, her eyes sparkled as she noticed what happened. 


She was leaning against the wall of the building, she blew the golden-maroon colored smoke out of her lips and watched how it turned into a man doing the tango with a woman. She laughs as she watched them dance but they disappeared as the door opened, her eyes drift towards it and saw the four students. She smiled and took another puff from the caramel and coffee-scented smoke, she watched how they headed to the teacher in curiosity but turned her attention back to the setting sun. She heard her name being called and she looks at them with a soft smile, she walks towards them as the smoke and pipe disappeared. 

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