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3rd POV 

As she storms down the hallway to the teachers' lounge, students watch with curious gazes as she runs after the man who also seemed to be running. They stepped out of the way and they seem to notice the smug face on the male while there was an angered face on their beloved teacher. The male saw people carry a table and skillfully jumped over it, his smirk grew wider as he rolled and continued running.

She also saw the people with the table, once she was close to them, she threw her tray up in the air as she slides underneath the table. She got back on her feet and caught the tray as she continued to run after him. She decided it was best if the tray was safe so she teleported it into the teachers' lounge. She slid across the floor dodging the flying tray, she glared at the male who swore under his breath.

She had enough of this game and summoned a whip, she swang and it caught his ankle causing him to trip and fall onto his face. She pulled him towards her slowly, ignoring his groans. The students watch with cautious eyes as she continued to drag him across the school floor. Once he was close enough to her, she picked him up from his collar and smiled at him, he felt a chill run down his spine when he saw the look in her eyes.

Out of nowhere, she hurled him through the window causing all the witnessing students to gasp or stare horrified, she jumped out of the window behind him. The students rush towards the broken window and watch with anticipation as the two lands on the ground. The male just barely landed while she landed safely, she turned to him as the same smile from before was still stitched to her lips.

He backed up and stared with cautious eyes as he started to back up slightly, she continued to smile at him as she stopped walking. She abandoned the whip and watched him with narrowed eyes yet the smile was still there, he got his spear out. It materialized in his hand, showing its appearance to the world. She whistled as her weapon materialized in her hands, a similar weapon to his.

Kaito's weapon

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Kaito's weapon

Reaper's weapon

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Reaper's weapon

His eyes widen by a fraction, "How do you still have your spear?!" She smirked as she twirled it between her fingers, "You know, I never lost it over the past decades." He backed up even more when she pointed the weapon straight at him, he did the same with confidence as his eyes shone a blue color. And without any other interruptions, the weapons clashed. A crater was created underneath their feet as they pushed forwards. 

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