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I woke up to an unfamiliar room causing me to sit up and scan my surroundings with narrowed eyes. Cabinets of various medications were in each corner of the room, and about four or five medical beds were located at each side of me. I sigh out of relief when I realized I was at U.A's clinic. I slowly lean back onto the slightly uncomfortable mattress but hissed out of pain when my back made contact with the mattress. 

I arch my sour back and touch it slightly, earning a loud groan from me. I pull my bandaged fingers away from my also bandaged back, and I slowly recall what happened earlier. With a frown, I gently yet cautiously laid on the mattress and stared at the ceiling with blank eyes. I sigh softly and turn onto my side, and immediately, pain shot through my side and I grit my teeth at the sudden pain. 

Slowly, the pain reduced from my body. I cover my soar body with the given duvet and slowly my eyes started to close, but the door slammed open. I flinch and look over my shoulder at the door, my eyes widen a fraction when I saw who it was. The person scanned the room with his eyes and when he saw me, he hurled himself at my bed and softly hugged my bandaged body, almost like he's afraid that he'll break it. 

No words were exchanged as he continued to hug me, I slowly reach my bandaged hand out and soothingly rub his back. He started to shake slightly, causing him to hug me tighter. "Hey," I whisper as I continued to soothe him, "I'm perfectly fine, just a bit bandaged." He gripped onto me even tighter and stared into my soft eyes with his furious ones, and he spat out, " 'A bit bandaged'? Have you seen yourself?! You look like a fucking mummy with all those bandages!"

I stayed quiet and continued to smile, he had a scowl on his face as small drops of tears fell from his red irises. "I thought I killed you today," he said with guilt laced in his words, tears continued to fall onto me and was absorbed into my bandages. I wrap my arms around his neck and reassured, "But you didn't. I'm safe and sound, arent I? And besides, you didn't know I was going to jump in when you released that explosion, so it's not your fault."

His arms wrapped themselves around my waist and he hid his head in the crook of my neck as he continued to cry silently. I rock him a bit to the side and run my fingers through his hair, after awhile he quietened down. I raise a brow but continued to rock him side to side, he slowly lifted his head and stared into my soft eyes. "I'm such a fucking idiot," he said in a hurtful tone, causing my heart to ache a bit. 

I shake my head at him, "No, you're not. As I said, you didn't know I was going to jump into the fight and protect Izuku from the blast." His face turned dark when I mentioned 'Izuku', he gripped my waist a bit tighter as he scowled, "Its also the damn nerds' fault because he couldn't protect himself from my attack and got you hurt instead." I frown and shake my head, trying to protest, "You know its not his fault--" 

He cuts me off with a growl and pinned me to the bed, "Bullshit. It's also his fault that you got hurt during our fight. Just admit it, Aya. He's also part of this." I stare at him with narrowed eyes and a frown, a defeated sigh left my lips. "Bakugo," I say with my frown, "You know, you're stubborn as a mule."

He had an annoyed look on his face which caused me to snicker a bit, he gripped my arms slowly and gave them a soft squeeze before letting go of me. He sat on the side of the bed and looked away from me, eerily quiet for someone who was screaming daily. I stare at him and also gets up from the bed, but only noticed my attire. Since my whole backside was burned, the bandages were wrapped around my chest and stomach.

But my crotch wasn't wrapped, I was only left in my lacy underwear and I notice unfamiliar midthigh striped socks on my legs. I gulp and hid under the duvet with a flustered look, causing Bakugo to look at my covered body with scrunched up brows. "Why are you hiding under the duvet?" He asked and started to pull the duvet off of me. I hurriedly pulled it back with a yelp, and so, a tug of war started between us over the duvet.

 "Bakugo! Stop!" I shout and try to tug the duvet back to me but he pulled it harder and the blanket flew off of my body. He stared at my body, slowly trailing his eyes over my skin while dropping the duvet onto the floor. I try to reach for the pillow but it was soon ripped from the bed before I could reach for it. I yelp and stared at him with wide eyes, his ruby red eyes were dark as they stare me down. 

"Ne, Bakugo, lets just... ignore what happened here... and go on with our lives, alright?" I asked nervously and slowly backed away from his still form that was looming over mine. He suddenly pinned me to the mattress once again and I yelped as my face was pressed into the mattress. I try to slip from his hold but he was straddling me, one of his hands held my arms over my head while his over one was slowly tracing my bandaged back. 

I shiver slightly as I felt his fingers trace softly my burns, once again I try to wriggle my way out but he gripped my hip tightly. I felt a pair of lips on my sensitive skin, and I gasp into the mattress. He leans away and got off of me with a smug face. I glare at him and was about to say something to him but a shirt was hurled into my face. I pull the shirt off of my face and stared questioningly at it. 

He looks away from me as he said, "Just wear the damn shirt since you're coming with me." I raise a brow but pulled the shirt over my head and it draped over my form. I then noticed it was a pullover and I pulled it closer to my nose, a burned caramel scent fills my senses. I could feel his stare in the side of my head and I looked at him flustered while whispering, "Ah, just ignore what I was doing."

He snorts and stood up with an amused smile, I pout and slowly got up from the bed. Suddenly, my knees buckled and I was suddenly descending to the floor. However, I was caught before my body could touch the cold floor. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my lower back and pulled me towards their chest, immediately, the familiar scent of burned-caramel filled my nostrils. 

We stayed in that position for a few moments, until he smugly said, "You shouldn't go falling for me, you know. You could get yourself in trouble any time soon." I sneer and started pinching his bicep, he stopped teasing me and slowly releasing me. I steadied myself and summoned some flats and a skirt. I let out a sigh of relief and gripped onto his bicep so that he can lead the way he wants to go. But, somehow, I didn't see the small happy expression of his face as we both walked through the halls of the school...

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