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"Mingyu this is Hanjae my boyfriend" Wonwoo said. "He's from my hometown"
"Oh um nice to meet you" mingyu shook his hand. "If you two want privacy I can leave"
"No it's-"
"That would be great" Hanjae interrupted Wonwoo. "Thanks" mingyu grabbed his wallet and left.
"Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?" Hanjae asked innocently.
"Ask him to leave"
"I just wanted some alone time" Hanjae kissed wonwoo. Something about the way Hanjae said that made wonwoo feel disgusted but he just brushed it off.

Mingyu sat under the tree with the others waiting for wonwoo. He was quietly observing everyone else.
Jun had his arm around Minghao whispering things into the blushing boys ear, Joshua and Jeonghan were teasing Seungcheol, Jihoon and Soonyoung were in some kind of argument which would result in a guitar being used, Seungkwan and Seokmin were having a high note battle and Hansol and Chan were dancing.
"Sorry I'm late" Wonwoo said and sat next Mingyu. 'Finally someone I can talk to' Mingyu thought. He stared at Wonwoo a bit, Wonwoo didn't noticed. He looked at his face and his eyes slowly made its way down to a bruise on Wonwoo's neck.
"Wonwoo, what's that?" Mingyu pointed at his neck. Wonwoo's face went red and he quickly covered it with his hand.
"Oh um Hanjae came by earlier" Mingyu bitterly smiled trying to hide his jealousy.
"And I thought you were innocent" Mingyu joked. Trying to keep a smile on his face.
"As if you are" Wonwoo retorted. They jokingly bantered for the rest of lunch.

Later that night Wonwoo and Mingyu decided to eat in their dorm and watch a movie. They sat on the floor and looked up at the tv leaning on one of the beds. Wonwoo took a beer from the pack of 12 and started drinking. Mingyu followed him in the action. Soon all 12 beers were gone and their words were slurred messes. They stopped watching the movie a long time ago.
"Hey wonwoo" Mingyu said and Wonwoo turned to face him. "I-I really like you~~~" the words were sober thoughts suddenly released by drunken confidence.
"I like you too~~" Wonwoo traced Mingyus jawline with his finger.
"But you have a boyfriend" Wonwoo smirked
"You're so hot I could kiss you"
"Then do it"
And they did.

Mingyu woke up and realised someone was next to him. He was scared to look under the covers but he did.
'Fuck' he wasn't wearing any clothes and hoped the person next to him wasn't who he thought it was.
It was.
Mingyu scrambled out of bed trying not to wake up Wonwoo and threw on his sweatpants and a shirt and ran to Jun and Minghao's room. He burst open the door to see them asleep, snuggled up on one bed in their pyjamas. Mingyu sighed he was going to regret this.
"Minghao!" Minghao screamed and sat up quickly. A tired Jun next to him squinted at Mingyu.
"Mingyu! What the hell" Minghao was not a morning person so waking him up on a weekend is sure to get you killed. "Why are you here!? I'm tired-" Minghao was cut off by Jun pulling him back down to sleep.
"We need to talk. Like bro talk" Minghao sighed and Jun loosened his grip around him. They went onto the balcony. Minghao yawned and rustled his brown hair. He was wearing juns oversized shirt and sweat pants.
"What do you want?" Mingyu pointed at his own neck. "Is that a-"
"From who?!"
"Wonwoo has a boyfriend!"
"I know!" Mingyu paced back and forth. "He just cheated on his boyfriend. With me. And on the minus side my butt really hurts"
"Ew too much information dude"
"Anyway help!" Mingyu pleaded. "What do I do now?"
"Well for starters don't ever help Wonwoo cheat again. Having a broken heart hurts. The next time you sleep with him he better be single. Also just talk about it with him"
"It's gonna be so awkward!"
"Yup" Minghao yawned. "And I'm tired" he walked back inside.
"Fine. Thanks for your help anyway" Minghao laid next to jun again.
"Your welcome" mingyu left.

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