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Big House

Mingyu jumped out from behind the crib to scare one of his sons. The baby blinked at him before bursting into tears.
(Before you ask, yes I'm horrible at names)
"Wait no! Minwon don't cry I'm sorry" He picked up the baby and held him close. "Please don't tell your dad I made you cry he's going to kill me"
"I'm going to do what?" Mingyu looked up to see an angry, half asleep Wonwoo still in his pyjamas standing at the door.
"Hey sweetie" Mingyu smiled nervously. Wonwoo walked over to Mingyu and took Minwon out of his arms.
"Oh poor baby what happened?" He pat the baby's back whilst he cried into his shoulder. "Maybe I should ask your father?" He glared at Mingyu.
"Ijumpedoutfrombehindhiscribandscaredhim" Mingyu said really fast. Wonwoo shook his head in disappointment. He held the baby in front of his face.
"You're scared of everything. Just like your father" Wonwoo said to Minwon and Mingyu scoffed.
"I am not"
"There's a spider behind you" Mingyu screamed and Wonwoo hushed him.
(Here comes another horrible name)
"Shhhh. Wongyu is still asleep"
"Of course he is. He's just like you" Mingyu said.
"I do not sleep that long"
"I woke up 3 hours ago. You woke up just now"
"Shut up"
"Also Wongyu reads a lot of baby books" Mingyu explained further.
"That's just because you don't take him outside"
"He hates the sun"
"Are you gonna be a little football player?" Wonwoo asked Minwon. Minwon looked at him and clapped his hands excitedly.
"Oh be careful you might fall" Wonwoo told the baby as he had let go of Wonwoo. Just then they heard another baby crying.
"I'll go get him" mingyu said and left to tend to the crying baby. He came back with Wongyu cradled in his arms, eyes red and puffy.
"Switch?" Mingyu asked.
"Babies are not toys Mingyu" Wonwoo slowly handed Minwon over to Mingyu and tightly held Wongyu in his arms. "You're going to be so smart" he said to Wongyu.
"Are you implying Minwon is gonna be dumb"
"No... but he'll be like you" Wonwoo smiled and Mingyu scoffed.
"You're gonna give one of them your horrible eye sight" Mingyu said and Wonwoo looked at him.
"We adopted them. They can't get my bad genes"
"We're still their dads" Mingyu replied and Wonwoo looked at the babies. "And they're 100% us"
"Of course" Wonwoo smiled.

They were adults. Arguments were normal. That's just adult life.
"Maybe you should go sleep in another room then!" Wonwoo yelled.
"I'll just go to one of the houses I own" Wonwoo stared at him a little dead inside because it reminded him of the first time mingyu walked out on him.

Wonwoo would lock himself in their shared room so Mingyu couldn't see him crying. However he'd always find himself walking down the hall to one of the guest rooms and crawling into the bed mingyu was sleeping in.

He would wait for mingyu to hug him and hold him close because it made him feel safe.
"I don't hate you, I could never hate you" he'd start. "I love you"
"I love you too" Mingyu would always say. And their anger was gone, they'd fall asleep in each other's arms before being woke up by their crying babies.

Wonwoo watched his husband run around with his two children whilst he sat on the picnic blanket reading a book. He smiled when Minwon fell over and Wongyu went right to his side. Mingyu picked up both of the baby's and put them back on their feet. He smiled at Wonwoo and went off to play tag.

Wonwoo took a deep breath.

Everything's fine now. This is where I'm meant to be. This is what I'm meant to be.



This is right.

Ahhhhh this story has come to an end! I'm working on more stories right now so don't be sad :)

AUTHOR UPDATE: I have a new story called "Distance between us" still Meanie! Please check it out <3

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