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"Wonwoo. Please... I'm sorry" it was October and Mingyu and Wonwoo found themselves in a bad situation.
"Why. You told me we'd have a long time before we had to part ways"
"I know I said that and I'm sorry but.. this is a big opportunity for me!" Mingyu was scouted for professional football and was going to move to L.A to train with them team. He was leaving the next day and Wonwoo didn't want to believe it. Wonwoo knew Mingyu had been playing football most of his life sheerly by the way Mingyu explained how important it was.
"I understand" Wonwoo turned around so Mingyu couldn't see the tears slipping down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry-"
"Stop that. Stop apologising. It's not you're fault and there's nothing we can do about it" Wonwoo knew they wouldn't have time for any calls, maybe a few texts but it'd only be a matter of time before they lost touch.
"I-I think. We should break up" Mingyu's eyes softened.
"I can try to keep in touch as much as I can" Wonwoo turned around and put a hand to his cheek.
"You'll be in America. It's going to be so easy for you to move on. Just accept this offer please" Wonwoo cried.
"I- no I won't" Mingyu walked to his bag and searched through it. He fished out a small velvet box.
"Mingyu.. we've known each other for a year it's too early for this"
"No no... it's a promise ring. I promise that even though we're far away from each other I'll never stop loving you Jeon Wonwoo" the tears started flowing down Wonwoo's face.
"I promise too" Mingyu slipped the ring on the Wonwoo's finger. It was a simple silver band with the letters JW on it. He saw Mingyu put a matching ring onto his ring finger, but with the letters KM. Wonwoo smiled and pressed his hands onto Mingyus cheeks to kiss him. Mingyu melted into the kiss since it was the first kiss the two had shared since the incident at the start of the year.
"I promise I'll come back and buy you a big house, or an apartment and marry you" Mingyu said. Wonwoo pressed their foreheads together.
"I'll be back in Seoul by March" he said against Mingyus lips and Mingyu nodded.
"I'll come back as soon as I can" Wonwoo smiled and kissed him again.

They fell asleep cuddling on one bed.

Wonwoo woke up to an alarm blaring at 5am and he knew what that meant... Mingyu was leaving. Mingyu sat up squinting walking over to his bags to put everything together. Wonwoo watched him with sad eyes. Wonwoo got out of bed to put on a jacket so he could go outside without catching a cold. He back hugged mingyu whilst he was organising this things.
"I'll walk you out" he whispered and Mingyu turned around to hug him.
"Don't worry... I know you get stressed out easily so please. Hang on. Just for me" Mingyu smiled and Wonwoo repeated the action.

Their walk to the college parking lot was quiet. It wasn't a uncomfortable silence, it was a knowing one. Before Wonwoo knew it, he was staring at the large bus already home to a couple members of the team all excited to go to the airport. Wonwoo felt like curling up in a ball and crying. There would be so many opportunities for Mingyu to fall in love with someone else whilst he was away. He felt mingyu press his forehead to his and intertwine their hands. Mingyu was playing with the ring on Wonwoo's finger.
"I'll miss you" Wonwoo said.
"Remember. I'll see you again. And I'll come back, with money" Wonwoo chuckled. "To buy you and me a house, or apartment, to live in. And we can get married"
"Ok" he whispered. Mingyu smiled as he climbed the stairs of the team bus and waved one last time.

Wonwoo found himself staring at the bus as it left for a long time. He slowly walked back to his dorm. The sun was already rising and the left side of his room was now empty. He sighed. The college was going to give him a new roommate but it didn't matter, he was graduating soon.

"See you soon Mingyu"

After graduation 1 year later
Wonwoo walked around his new apartment and smiled. He made sure to get a King sized bed so that when Mingyu came back he could stay at his apartment. His Japan summer job got cancelled due to staff changes so he scored a job only a few blocks away from his apartment. Good pay and enough to support himself and pay rent.

He stared at the ringing face time screen anxiously. He bit his bottom lip impatiently, wanting to scream. Relief washed over him when Mingyu finally picked up.
"Hey!" Mingyu smiled with his canines.
"Hi" Wonwoo softly said. "How's your day been?"
"I did some practice today but coach gave us a break so tonight me and the team are going to go to the bar"
"That sounds fun" Wonwoo tried to sound happy, but he was just missing Mingyu. "Hey um.. it's nearing December soon and I was wondering if you were coming back for Christmas?"
"Of course babe"
"Finally.. I miss you"
"I miss you too" Mingyu said with a soft smile. "I can stay at your apartment right?" Wonwoo nodded. "Great! Ok I'm sorry but I have to go. Talk later babe"
"Bye.." Wonwoo smiled.

Okeee. This is nice

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