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Wonwoo was packing up his apartment, ready to move in with Mingyu. They are moving to America since they allowed same sex marriages there.

He reached for a box under the bed filled with pictures and pieces of paper. He looked at a certain piece of paper and groaned.
It read:

I, Jeon Wonwoo will buy Kwon Soonyoung
lunch for an entire week if I end up with
Kim Mingyu

He yelled out into the kitchen where mingyu was packing utensils and appliances.
"We need to break up!" Mingyu walked into the room and leant against the door frame.
"And why is that so?" He asked.
"Because my wallet is about to get raided by a certain Kwon Soonyoung"
"And that has to do with our relationship because?" Mingyu laughed.
"I made a deal with him that if I ended up with you, I'd buy him lunch for a week. And you know what kind of food he likes. Expensive food" mingyu sat down next to Wonwoo and pulled him to sit on his legs.
"I think I can deal with that" he said and Wonwoo rolled his eyes.
"I solve my own problems. Which means breaking up with you!" He pointed a finger at Mingyu and Mingyu laughed.
"If we were breaking up, why are you letting me hold your waist right now?" Wonwoo looked down at Mingyus hands and slapped them off.
"There!" Wonwoo said with a little too much enthusiasm and Mingyu pouted.
"Ok... what if he forgot?" Mingyu reasoned and just then Wonwoo's phone started to ring. He put it on speaker and instantly regretted.
"JEON WONWOO WHERES MY LUNCH" Wonwoo pulled the phone away from his face trying to protect himself from going deaf.
"You don't need it because I'm breaking up with Mingyu"
"No he's not" Mingyu said into the phone.
"Urgh fine!" Wonwoo yelled at the phone. "See you soon" he huffed and hung up. "This is all your fault" Wonwoo stood up and Mingyu pouted. "I'm gonna slap that pout off of your face"
"Why don't you kiss it off?" Wonwoo kicked mingyu in the leg and walked away.
"You're gross" Mingyu chuckled and followed him into the living room to pack up more things.
"I love you, you know that?" Mingyu said and Wonwoo smiled whilst looking at old CD's.
"I've known that forever dummy"
"Aren't you gonna say it back?" Mingyu looked at him with puppy eyes and Wonwoo looked him dead in the eye.
"It back" and burst into laughter.
"You're such a meanie!" Wonwoo contained his laughter.
"I love you too" Wonwoo said and Mingyu smiled.
"Do you want to know why I love you?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo's face went red before slowly nodding.
"Because neither of us a perfect. But that's why we fit together so perfectly. We complete each other like in those cheesy chick flicks. Also you're just too cute not to love" Wonwoo blushed and looked at the floor.
"I love you because you give me a voice when I can't do it myself. I'm not perfect but you are, and I think that's why I need you" Wonwoo admitted.
"I need you too. Neither of us are the best but we need each other. Also you need me for the big house" Wonwoo laughed and shook his head.
"Maybe that's why I'm with you" he smirked and Mingyu pouted. Wonwoo pecked Mingyus lips before going back to sorting CD's.

Once they were done they looked around the apartment so that Wonwoo could say goodbye.

They heard a knock on the door.

Wonwoo opened it and there stood Soonyoung.
"It is I! Kwon Soonyoung" he did a twirl through the door. "Here for my lunch" Mingyu put an arm around Wonwoo's shoulder and chuckled.
"It's on me" Mingyu said and Wonwoo smacked him. "I don't want your precious wallet being raided" Mingyu smiled at Wonwoo after he was done talking.
"What are we eating for lunch?" Wonwoo asked and Soonyoung smiled at him.
"Lobster" Wonwoo looked at Mingyu with worry but mingyu seemed calm.
"Let's go I guess" he said and took Mingyus hand.

On the last day of buying lunch Soonyoung took them to the most expensive of all. Except... he never showed up?

Wonwoo looked around the ivory coloured gazebo with vines tied around the supporting poles and railing. He stared at the table in the middle for two people. Not three.
"Where's Soonyoung?" Wonwoo asked and Mingyu shrugged. He ushered Wonwoo to his seat and sat down in his own.
"Let's talk" Mingyu reached his hand out over the table for Wonwoo to hold.
"What about?" Wonwoo asked.
"Us" Wonwoo bit his lip scared. "Where did we start?" Mingyu started by asking.
"In college" Wonwoo answered and looked confused.
"And when did we start dating"
"At college" Mingyu chuckled.
"Think harder" he pried.
"You took me out to dinner, at this restaurant" Wonwoo realised. "And I had no idea how you paid for something like this since we were broke college kids" they both laughed quietly. "And I remember thinking. This is life, and this is how I want it to be. With you forever" Wonwoo finally said and Mingyu smiled.
"Do you want to know what I would change if we could go back in time?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo hesitated before shaking his head.
"Nothing. I'd go through it all again just for you. To be in this moment... and that's why" Mingyu stood up and got down on one knee. "Jeon Wonwoo will you marry me"

Wonwoo felt his mind go a mess.

But this time it wasn't a panic attack.

It was happiness.

So much of it that it overwhelmed him.

It wasn't until he saw the sad look on Mingyus face that he snapped back to reality realising Mingyu thought he was going to say no.

Mingyu slowly stood up and Wonwoo pushed him back down.

"Yes, yes. A million times yes. YES. I WILL MARRY YOU" Wonwoo said a little louder and practically threw himself into Mingyus arms. Mingyu held onto him tight, tears staining Wonwoo's shirt.
"You scared me for a second there" Mingyu said as he pulled back.
"I'm sorry" Wonwoo kissed him. "Can I see the ring?" Mingyu held up the navy blue velvet box in front of Wonwoo's face and Wonwoo frowned.
"D-do you not like it?" Mingyu said nervously and Wonwoo shook his head.
"Its not that it's just....it's too much Mingyu" Wonwoo whispered and Mingyu smiled.
"Nothing's too much for you"
"How much did it cost?" Wonwoo asked and Mingyu smirked.
"Not telling" Wonwoo sighed.
"I'm paying for the wedding"
"Hmmm. How about you pay for a quarter?" Wonwoo looked at him with an angry pout on his face.
"Half" Wonwoo shot back.
"A third"
"45% or I don't show up" Wonwoo snapped at him playfully and Mingyu looked at him with all the adoration he could.
"What would be a wedding without the groom. A quarter"
"Hey! That's not fair-" Wonwoo was suddenly shut up by the feeling of lips on his. Wonwoo realised they were still on the floor having a stupid talk when they should be having dinner.
"Let's eat" Wonwoo said breathlessly once he pulled away and mingyu nodded. He slipped the ring onto Wonwoo's finger and they continued their night.

They're so cute

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