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Mingyu was walking down the hallway when he was grabbed and shoved into a dorm by two people. He landed on his butt and looked up to see Seungcheol and Hansol. Mingyu sighed and rolled his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"You and Wonwoo are too difficult. Just date already" Hansol said. Mingyu raised his eyebrow at the straight forwardness.
"You obviously love each other" Seungcheol said.
"Cheollie's right" Hansol said and Seungcheol held out his hand for him to high five.
"Just tell us now. Right here. What do you love about Wonwoo?" Mingyu hesitated and Hansol grabbed him by the collar.
"Just admit that you love him already!" He let go and spun in a circle, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Jisoos..." Mingyu sighed. "He's not ready"
Hansol and Seungcheol looked at each other confused before turning their backs on Mingyu to have a discussion. Mingyu stared at their backs and wondered what they were talking about. He cleared his throat.
"I'm still here"
"Hush" Hansol said. Seungcheol turned around.
"Okay! I did not just throw you into me and Hansol's dorm for nothing. Whilst you and Wonwoo were having your sappy love story I had to watch hotline bling with Hansol, countless amount of times! Just because he walked in on you two horn dogs doing it without you guys even noticing he was there because you were drunk out of your minds. And let me remind you. Hotline bling is now so far engraved into my brain that whenever anyone says anything about a telephone I get fucking flashbacks and Hansol makes me do the dance" Seungcheol took a few breaths in after that. "And before you say 'we're just friends' or 'he's not ready' again, we all know he is ready. You're just lying to yourself, holding your fucking self back from being with the love of your life. So if I hear another moment of hesitation out of you I swear to god I'll-"
"Cheol... I think he gets the point" Hansol said. Seungcheol calmed down and smiled at the tall boy.
"Do you understand Mingyu?" He said with clenched teeth. Mingyu gulped and nodded quickly. Hansol laughed before turning towards Seungcheol.
"You didn't think hotline bling was that bad did you?" Seungcheol pat his shoulder.
"Buddy, I might need therapy" Hansol huffed and turned back to Mingyu.
"Anyway what you should really do is find him and confess your undying love"
"Can we leave that for another day?" Seungcheol was about 5 seconds away from punching him when Mingyu ran out the door.
"Oh goody he's gone! Wanna watch hotline bling?" Seungcheol groaned and fell onto his bed.

"Wonwoo!" It was Saturday and Mingyu burst into the room eager to tell him something "I like you!" Wonwoo continued reading his book. "Wonwoo?"
"Like I didn't already know" he chuckled.
"W-wait. Does that mean we can date?" Wonwoo pushed up his glasses.
"What?! Please... don't you like me too?"
"I do. It's just. I wanna take things slow" he sighed.
"We can date and take things slow! You'll be graduating soon" Wonwoo laughed.
"Ask me out a different way" mingyu stood their dumbfounded before standing up straight and walking towards Wonwoo. He cleared his throat.
"Will you... Jeon Wonwoo. Go on a date with me?" He held out his hand sheepishly.
"I will go on a date with you Kim Mingyu" he intertwined their fingers.

It was nearing the start of August and Wonwoo was getting ready to graduate from his course. Wonwoo and Mingyu had been sort of dating for a month now. Nothing too serious just a few small dates here and there and they're yet to make anything official.Mingyu stood outside their dorm room door, listening to Wonwoo talk to someone.
"Yes! Thank you so much. I'll be there for the summer program!" He hung up the phone. Mingyu made sure he was actually not on the phone anymore before walking inside. Wonwoo grinned at him.
"I got the job!" Wonwoo hugged him.
"R-really!? That's amazing" Mingyu tried to be happy. But he knew the job was all the way in Japan and the next time he saw Wonwoo in person could be years.
"Wonwoo" he pulled away from the hug. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" Wonwoo looked worried.
"How are we going to see each other again... after your graduation?"
"Phone calls silly"
"Right but you know... long distance relationships are hard" Wonwoo frowned.
"What if we stay like how we are now. Not exclusive... just so the heart doesn't hurt too much. And when I come back we can make it official"
"T-that could be years"
"Yes I know... and if when I come back, you've found someone else. I'll be okay with that. Because I've grown. I won't be upset anymore. Your happiness is my happiness"
"You know you're the only one for me" Mingyu kissed his cheek.
"I know" Wonwoo whispered. "I love you"
"Can you say that again.. I didn't hear" Mingyu smiled. Wonwoo slapped his chest and pushed him away. "Sorry~~" he looked at Wonwoo sitting on the bed opening his book again. Wonwoo put the book up in front of his face to hide his smile.
"I love you too Wonwoo" Wonwoo put down the book and grabbed Mingyus hand.
"Where are we going?" Mingyu looked at him.
"On a date"

W o w
Idk what's going on at this point
Just a little hip hop unit interaction for you

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