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Mingyu slowly opened his eyes and realised Wonwoo was no longer there. He heard the sound of sniffles coming from bathroom and immediately got up to look after Wonwoo. When he opened the door Wonwoo had just taken the blade out of his wrist and the red liquid was flowing.
"Wonwoo?" Wonwoo looked at the door and realised mingyu was standing in the door frame. He put a hand over his wrist to hide it.
"No... don't do that" Mingyu said and quickly opened the cabinet to get a bandage. He pulled Wonwoo into a hug as he started to sob.
"I'm feeling so lost right now Mingyu. Without you in Seoul I feel so lonely it's getting really bad" Wonwoo said and gasped for air right after. They sat on the floor.
"I know. I don't want to leave you again either. You can come to L.A with me" Wonwoo shook his head against Mingyus chest.
"I need to stay. My mother is sick" Mingyu rested his chin above Wonwoo's head and pat his back. He pulled away and started bandaging Wonwoo's arm.
"Next time please talk to me. I don't want you getting hurt" he kissed Wonwoo's forehead.
"Okay.." Wonwoo said softly.
"I'll try to come back for another holiday but I don't know how long that will be" Wonwoo rested his head on mingyus shoulder and listened. "My season has been going really well lately so if I keep up my hard work I'll be able to have a stable career and income. Actually some people make a million a year. If I work hard I can make enough money to retire early and be back in Seoul with you" Wonwoo leaned up and pressed a kiss to Mingyus jawline before closing his eyes.
"How long are you allowed to take off work a year?"
"2 weeks" Wonwoo whispered.
"Can I fly you out the states with me once work is calm?" Wonwoo just nodded and yawned. "I have a big apartment" Mingyu grinned and Wonwoo chuckled.
"Wow... Now I'm definitely coming" Wonwoo said sarcastically.
"I love you" Mingyu said.
"I love you too" it was almost impossible to hear since it was a whisper, but mingyu knew he said it. "I'm not holding you back from anything am I?" Wonwoo asked.
"No, you'd never hold me back"
"I just don't want you to continue to leave work for me"
"You're more important. Then anything" Mingyu stood up. "Let's take a nap. You'll feel better after" they laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

Wonwoo woke up to the sound of Mingyu talking. He looked out of his bedroom door and saw Mingyu pacing back and forth speaking on the phone.
"Yes coach I know" he rubbed his forehead. "Can I stay until Christmas? Sir, please" Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows. "I promise when I get back I'll do extra training" mingyu pleaded. Wonwoo walked towards him and took the phone. He pressed the mute button.
"Go, I'll be okay" He smiled at Mingyu.
"Shh. Big house. Remember?" Mingyu's eyes softened at Wonwoo.
"Really?" Wonwoo nodded. "Okay..." Wonwoo gave the phone back and Mingyu finished talking.
"Yes coach. I'll be there by tomorrow" Wonwoo didn't speak much after that. They just sat, hugging, on the couch watching a movie.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to stay longer" Mingyu said as he picked up his suit case. "I can fly you out with me some time" Wonwoo didn't say anything, but he did pull Mingyus face down so he could kiss his forehead.
"Bye" Wonwoo whispered. "I love you"
"I love you too" Mingyu left the apartment shortly after.

Wonwoo and Mingyu face timed every day. Even if it was only for a few minutes it seemed to make Wonwoo feel alive again just having Mingyu talk to him. Now he was listening to Mingyu talk about football for 5th time that week. He was getting a little annoyed.
"Ok... enough about football. Let's hear about you" Wonwoo said.
"Everything about me is football-"
"Tell me about how life is"
"It's good. But I wish I was with you"
"Me too" Wonwoo softly said.
"Have you left the house today?" Wonwoo shook his head and Mingyu sighed. "Please. Go outside and have fun!"
"What if I miss a call by you?" Wonwoo was trying to think of an excuse.
"Then I'll assume it's because you're having too much fun"
"Okay... I'll go outside now. Bye" he smiled. Mingyu waved at the screen. Wonwoo ended the call and put on his coat to go outside. He stepped outside of the building and stood under the scaffolding.
"Wonwoo!" He saw someone waving at him from across the street. It was Hanjae. He waved back and crossed the street.
"Hey Hanjae. How are you?"
"I'm doing fine, you?"
"I'm good... are you busy right now?" Hanjae shook his head. "Wanna grab coffee?"
"Sure" They walked to nearest cafe and sat down in the warmth of the shop.
"So.. how's mingyu?" Wonwoo put his coffee down and looked out the window.
"He's in L.A for football"
"Oh are you to still together?" Wonwoo nodded. He knew this was a weird thing to be talking about with his ex but it weirdly felt, comforting.
"But you know... long distance is pretty hard" Wonwoo said.
"Yup... I mean, that's what ended us" Wonwoo looked at him.
"I'm sorry for how things ended between us" he held the cup of coffee between his palms for warmth.
"Don't apologise. I actually... just got engaged" Wonwoo's eyes widened and he smiled.
"That's amazing Hanjae!"
"You've got a ring on your finger too" Wonwoo looked down at his hand.
"Oh. This is just a promise ring. We've only been together for 2 years so.."
"Don't wanna rush into things?" Wonwoo nodded. "Take your time" Hanjae smiled at him.
"Thanks for coming to coffee. It's nice to have someone to talk to. I actually haven't been outside in a while"
"Any time you need to talk, call me" Wonwoo nodded.

Wonwoo waved Hanjae goodbye and walked towards the park. He walked next to the river, listening to it flow as he walked further. He sat down with legs dangling above the water. He looked up when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Seungcheol. Seungcheol was one of Wonwoo's closest friends, and boss.
"Hey" Seungcheol said as he sat down next to him.
"Hi" Wonwoo quietly said.
"What's bothering you?"
"How do you know something's bothering me?"
"You isolate yourself when you're upset. You push everyone away. You've been doing it since we were kids. When we went to college I thought you'd be able to share your feelings with Mingyu but now he's not so close. You need to open up"
"I'm just upset... that Mingyu's so far away. But it's his whole career. I don't want to hold him back" Seungcheol listened and thought for a moment. "Also when we were in college his need to constantly be with someone might still be stuck in his head. What if I'm not enough? I can't give him anything he wants because I'm too busy crying all the time. He's so far away what if he doesn't want to wait for me to be ready again?"
"Oh Won... Mingyu would never do that. He's your boyfriend, he only loves you and has eyes, only, for you. If you miss him that much I'll cover your work for a while and you can fly over to the states to see him"
"Thanks Cheol... but I could never repay you for all that work"
"I think you owe me to go see Mingyu after telling Hansol that I wanted to hire him. Do you think I can say no to ones of our best friends? He kicked me out of my own office the other day and took over my computer because 'his wasn't big enough to watch the hotline bling video'" Wonwoo chuckled.
"Okay... I'll go" Seungcheol smiled at him.
"I'll write it down in the schedule, just give me the dates" Wonwoo nodded. "Also get that kid a boyfriend so he stops annoying me"
"Don't worry. Seungkwan's always there"

He called mingyu, eagerly waiting for him to pick up.
"I'm flying over!"
"T-that's amazing!" Mingyu shouted. "When are you coming?"
"Next Thursday"
"I have a game that day. Will you come watch?"
"If you pick me up from the airport" Wonwoo bartered with him.

I'm thinking of rapping this story up soon. Would that be okay?

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