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Wonwoo almost screams when he sees mingyu again. Instead he just starts walking quicker, into his arms. They stand there hugging for a bit before pulling a part to talk. Wonwoo cupped his face.
"How was the flight?" Mingyu asked.
"So~~ tiring. I missed you"
"I missed you too" Mingyu planted a kiss on his lips. "Let's go, I have a lunch reservation for us to go to before my game tonight"
"Are we going to see Jihoon and Soonyoung?" The pair had moved to L.A to focus on their music career.
"Maybe tomorrow" Mingyu kissed the top of his head.

Wonwoo stared at Mingyu from across the dinner table as he told the waiter, in English, what they were going to order. Wonwoo noticed how different Mingyu was. Video call couldn't merely show all the personality changes he had. Wonwoo wondered if he was the only one suffering.
"Wonwoo~~" Mingyu waved a hand in front of his face. Wonwoo stopped to take a look at Mingyus hand.
"Where's your ring?" Wonwoo questioned.
"Oh, we're not allowed to wear any jewellery on the field"
"Oh.." Wonwoo started to think.

Their food came out and they ate in silence. Wonwoo felt like they had nothing to talk about.
"You've been happy right?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded.
"We got invited... to a wedding" Mingyu looked at him with curiosity.
"Hanjae's and his fiancé"
"Isn't that a bit... weird? I mean he's your ex"
"He's also my best friend" Mingyu almost choked on his drink.
"Since when?"
"Since... forever"
"When is it?"
"In 3 months" Mingyu clenched his teeth.
"That's my most important football season Won. I'm sorry I can't go" Wonwoo chewed on his food.
"You never can" he mumbled. Wonwoo was referring to all the times mingyu wouldn't pick up his calls or text back because of 'football'. They went back to being silent.

Mingyu took Wonwoo back to his apartment and that's where the fight ensued.
"Wonwoo why are you so upset all of a sudden. You can't come all this way just to be mad at me"
"I'm lonely mingyu! Don't you ever think about how hard it is to be without you. I understand football's your job but I'm you're boyfriend! Don't you love me?"
"I do it's just... what do you want from me?!"
"What do I want? I want you to be there for me. What if one day we have kids and you're half way across the world kicking a stupid ball!" Wonwoo yelled. "You're always busy, you don't have time for my calls and honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the one not giving you enough" a tear slipped down his cheek.
"I've been trying so hard to get our relationship to at least a 9 out of 10, but I feel like I'm already at the 9. You're just not committing enough! I'm trying Mingyu. I really am, but you're not"
"Wonwoo I've been everything but unreasonable. I don't understand what you want from me"
"Don't blame this on me. You're acting like this is my fault. Open your eyes Mingyu!" Mingyus phone started to ring and he looked at it to see that his coach had been texting him asking where he was. It was one of the most important games of the season. People were there to scout for the big leagues.
"I-I have to go" Mingyu said and Wonwoo looked at him with tears in his eyes.
"You walk out that door and we're done" Mingyu looked at his phone again and bit his lip. He picked up his jacket and left. Wonwoo felt the walls closing in on him again. He was starting to have panic attacks again.

Wonwoo had them when he was a child. It always made him feel like dying.

So when Wonwoo saw Mingyu walk out on him he stood there in shock, the only thing he could do was dial Soonyoung.

Mingyu was in the locker room waiting for his coach to come and get him to start the game. He felt his phone start buzzing and looked at the caller ID.

Hoshi 🌟

He chewed on his lip nervously before picking it up. He waited for the voice of his friend Soonyoung but instead got a mad Jihoon.
"What the fuck is wrong with you mingyu! All you ever wanted in the time I've known you is to be isn't Wonwoo and you throw it all away for your stupid football!"
"I-I can't bail on my job"
"I'm sorry but this game is really important"
"Stop it with the excuses Kim Mingyu. Stop making Wonwoo wait around for you. I know your needy ass would've dumped him earlier if the roles were reversed"
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is and you know damn well it's true. Stop fucking giving up on him all the time. It's not his fault that's he's the one with the ACTUAL JOB" Mingyu's coach poked his head through the door and made a signal to mingyu telling him it was go time.
"Look... I have to go"
"Oh... you're leaving your boyfriend again. Or should I say ex. When you finally have the time for him, he would've already moved on. Stop holding him back" Jihoon hung up.

Mingyu walked towards the big doors standing there, looking at the field with the rest of his teammates. He walked about 3 metres on, before turning around and sprinting. He hailed a cab and told the driver the address of Soonyoung and Jihoon's place. He banged on the door of the apartment and was answered by an angry looking Jihoon.
"He's in our bedroom. 5 minutes before I kick your ass" Mingyu nodded and headed to the bedroom. He stared at the door knob before gulping and slowly turning it.

His eyes fell on a person with their knees tucked to their chest leaning against the bed. He fell to his knees in front of him.
"I'm sorry. I should've begged you to stay, I should've given you more attention, I should've put more effort in. You were never the selfish one, I was. I always put my own needs over yours and I realise now I'm just a shitty person"
"All I wanted was for you to love me" Wonwoo said quietly.
"I do! I love you more then anything you're my light in the dark, the thing that makes my heart flow blood. I love you so much! I love you, I love you, I love you" he kept on repeating. Wonwoo looked at him with sad eyes and made a grabbing motion signalling Mingyu to hold him in his arms. Mingyu followed the instruction and let Wonwoo rest on his side.
"If going on that field again means I lose you, I won't"
"Don't quit your job. Just find a balance between work and me" Wonwoo said. Mingyu nodded and kissed the top of Wonwoo's head.
"Do you know in French.. they don't say 'I miss you' but rather 'you're missing from me'" Wonwoo said and Mingyu smiled.
"I missed you so much nerd" Wonwoo huffed at the last word.
"I promise you, you'll always be my number one priority" Mingyu reassured him and Wonwoo sighed.
"There goes your chance at going to the big league" Wonwoo said as he snuggled into the crook of Mingyu's neck.
"I'll give up anything for a chance with you" Wonwoo looked at his watch on his wrist.
"You still have time"
"I just wanna sit here with you-"
"Big house" Wonwoo said and Mingyu smiled.
"Come watch?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded. He stood up and pulled Wonwoo up with him. "Let's go" he swung an arm around Wonwoo's shoulders.

Wonwoo silently cheered from the seats of the stadium. It was mostly empty since there were just people there to scout players for the big games so Wonwoo didn't exactly scream. He just smiled here and there. He walked down the stairs and sat and leant on the wall of the indoor field. Mingyu smiled and waved at him as he ran towards him.
"How'd I do?" He asked and Wonwoo shook his head.
"Really?" Mingyu pouted.
"No stupid!" Wonwoo laughed and punched Mingyus padded shoulder. Mingyu grinned and leaned down to kiss him. Right before their lips touched mingyu dropped his helmet onto Wonwoo's head.
"Cute" mingyu smiled. Wonwoo glared at him and Mingyu chuckled nervously before taking it off. Wonwoo's hair was messed up and stuck everywhere but Mingyu found it adorable. "Your hair is so cute"
"Stop!" Wonwoo whined and Mingyu laughed again.

Mingyu held Wonwoo's back and leant down to kiss him, for real this time.
"I hate you" Wonwoo whined again.
"Love you too" Mingyu winked. Wonwoo kicked Mingyus shin and laughed.
"Can we go home now?" Mingyu nodded and he left to go to the change rooms.

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