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Wonwoo sat on his bed slowly eating out of the cup of noodles. Mingyu came into the room and raised his eyebrow.
"Where have you been for the past week?"
"At Jun and Minghao's" Wonwoo said uninterested.
"Are you tired?"
"I'm fine" Wonwoo said angrily and started eating again. Mingyu put his hand on Wonwoo's shoulder and Wonwoo flinched.
"Are you a homophobe?" Mingyu was silent. "So you are?" Wonwoo stood up. "I can't be around you anymore"
"You know what I should've known"
"This is all so stupid, I'm stupid"
"Wonwoo!" Mingyu grabbed his arm.
"I said that to Minghao because I was mad. I was mad that when I first liked you, you didn't like me back. So I channeled all that anger into homophobia because I thought that I would never be able to love you. I'm sorry"
Wonwoo stared at him and Mingyu leaned down to kiss him.
But Wonwoo put his hand in the way.
"Not yet" he looked away. "I'm not ready" he walked out of the room.
Wonwoo sat against the tree absolutely broken. He really didn't want to forgive mingyu. It hurt too much to look at him and know some part of him actually meant it. That word had so much pain behind it, hearing it come from someone he loved completely destroyed him.

I'm so sorry for this chapter being really short.
Please give feedback

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