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From then on Wonwoo was distracted from Mingyu by trying to mend Minghao's broken heart, totally forgetting about the heart he broke. It had been 2 months since Minghao was living with Wonwoo.
"Minghao" Minghao had his back to the rest of the room and was facing the wall. "Let's go on a walk to the tree. Get some fresh air" Minghao groaned and got up. They walked to the tree and laid down staring at the night sky.
"Do you see that constellation? That's the Big Dipper" Minghao thought of something jun had said relating to the Big Dipper and blushed. Wonwoo glanced at Minghao.
"Are you ok?" Minghao just nodded and they continued to stare. They both eventually sat up when they started to feel tired.
"Hey Wonwoo"
"Yes?" Wonwoo turned to him and Minghao kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks" Minghao blushed "for everything" they heard a crash followed by footsteps running away. It didn't take them long to realise it was Jun.
'Shit' Wonwoo thought.
"Let's head back now it's getting pretty late" Minghao nodded.

Once Minghao was asleep, Wonwoo left to go to Jun's dorm only to see him having a conversation with Mingyu. Jun turned towards the door.
"You!" Jun stood in front of him. Wonwoo held his hands up.
"Jun" Mingyu stood next to him. "Don't hurt him. It's not worth it" mingyu subconsciously put an arm in front of Wonwoo's chest.
"You bastard you broke his heart! Why do you even care" Wonwoo yelled.
"Just because I had a drunken mistake doesn't mean I don't still love him!"
"Well then why don't you grow a pair and stop acting like a pussy and talk to him!" Jun was furious now.
Mingyu stood in front of Wonwoo protectively. He looked behind his shoulder and whispered to Wonwoo.
"Calm down. What if someone like Hanjae saw you like this"
"We broke up a month ago" mingyus eyes widened. 'What if Wonwoo actually does love Minghao?' He thought to himself. 'This isn't right. My feelings for him are wrong. He has someone else' Mingyu shook the feelings away.
He could tell Jun was a ticking time bomb waiting for wonwoo to say something bad so he'd have the perfect reason to punch him.
"Jun... calm down" mingyu said soothingly.
"He took the love of my life and you want me to calm down!?"
"It was your own fault!" Wonwoo said. Just then Jihoon appeared in the doorway.
"Woozi! A little help here" Jihoon stared at the three and realised what they were missing.
"I'll be back" Jihoon came back with a sleepy looking Minghao. He pushed him in the room and gently closed the door. Minghao took one look at Jun and felt like bursting into tears. Wonwoo noticed his trembling lips and wanted to run and hug him but he couldn't. Jun would kill him. But if jun was such a great boyfriend he'd notice. Just then mingyu turned around and threw his arms around Wonwoo making Wonwoo gasp.
"What are you doing?"
"I don't want you to get hurt" Mingyu whispered. "Everyday I was gone I thought something was going to happen to you and that stupid Hanjae wouldn't be able to do anything about it" he cried.
"Shhh. It's ok. I'm here now"
"I want to start over again. As friends" Mingyu said. All Wonwoo did was nod as Mingyu sobbed into his shoulder. He reassuringly caressed the back of Mingyu's head.
"Minghao" Jun reached out. Minghao turned away. "Just one talk. Please" Minghao knew he needed to. Even if they ended up worse in the end they needed one last talk. Or was it the first of many?
Btw I have a junhao fanfic coming out

They walked onto the balcony to talk whilst Wonwoo took mingyu to his dorm to calm down.
"I missed you so much" Mingyu cried even more.
"I did too" he pressed their foreheads together. They may have been restarting as friends but they both knew this wasn't what friends did. Mingyu fell asleep surrounded by Wonwoo's warmth. When Wonwoo woke up he realised Minghao's things were gone, replaced by Mingyus. He looked at the clock.
'Of course they'd have time to do all this'
"Morning" Mingyu walked into the room drying his hair with a towel.
"It's actually afternoon" Wonwoo corrected him.
"Whatever" Mingyu playfully rolled his eyes. Mingyu sat on the end of Wonwoo's bed.
"So... why'd you and Hanjae break up?"
"We fell out of love"
"Weren't you with him for like your whole life?" Wonwoo just nodded. Mingyu put a reassuring hand on Wonwoo's thigh. Once Wonwoo noticed he blushed, and felt his pants tighten.
"Oh um I gotta go... TAKE A SHOWER YEAH BYE" he rushed out of their room. Mingyu was shocked for a few seconds but then just chuckled and went to his bed to play games on his phone.
Wonwoo ran past Minghao and Jun making out in the hallway and suddenly stopped.
"What are you two doing?" They both looked at him.
"Kissing?" Minghao replied.
"You made up already?"
"Well yeah. We found out the girl who kissed me has done that to a million guys. She puts something weird in their drink and tries to make them fall In love with. Could never work when I have such a cute boyfriend" Minghao blushed.
"Jisoos... at least go to your room no one wants to see your tongue wrestle on the way to class" They both looked flustered and walked away to their room. Wonwoo realised he had calmed down and walked back to his dorm. Mingyu didn't say anything but did make a humming noise instead of a "hi" when he walked in so Wonwoo just fell asleep.

Lmao this really turned into a Junhao fanfic.
Anyway get ready for some drama later on

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