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A tall figure sat next to him, as he wiped his tears away he realised it was Jun.
"Jun?" He cried out.
"I'm here now" he said reassuringly and hugged him. "What happened?"
"I hate my self for being in love with him.. when he said that word all the memories came back and I couldn't handle it. When I saw him again I really wanted to run away but a little pain in my heart stopped me from doing it"
"I know, I know. It's okay I'm here now. You don't have to be afraid. I'd never say that, and neither would Minghao"

When Wonwoo was 15 he came out to his parents as gay. They were joyed to have him come out. But the woman he adored for so very long, his grandma, despised it.
"I don't want that faggot in our house!" He heard his grandmother arguing with his parents and he ran down the stairs to see the commotion.
"You!" His grandmother walked towards him and slapped him. "I will not have a child of the devil in my house" Wonwoo's lip quivered and he was afraid, so very afraid. From that day on she'd take every opportunity to call him a faggot and beat him. Sometimes his brother would hide him in his room. When she died she didn't want to see Wonwoo. She left him nothing.

Jun and Wonwoo sat under the tree for a while. Eventually jun got him to laugh and smile.
"Are you ready?" Wonwoo hesitated but nodded. They stood up and walked to the cafeteria.

As he made his way through the doors his eyes darted in every direction wanting to see that there was no Mingyu. He almost sighed in relief when... Mingyu was there. Sitting with their friends. Jun gave him a reassuring pat on the back and guided him to the table to make sure he wouldn't start running. Mingyus eyes softened when he saw Wonwoo and he desperately wanted to reach out him but he didn't, instead he slowly started inching towards him.

10 minutes had passed and now he was beside Wonwoo. Wonwoo seemed to not care on the outside but on the inside he was dying. Mingyu cleared his throat.
"Can we talk?" Wonwoo stared at the ground for a bit before saying a quiet "yes" and standing up to follow mingyu. They stood outside the cafeteria near the schools fountain.
"I'm so sorry Wonwoo. You're my best friend, I never meant to hurt you and I never will. Jun... he told me about what happened in your past and I'm so sorry" Wonwoo started to break down and mingyu held him in his arms tightly.
"I promise you I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I love you a lot. If you want it to be as friends then yes, I'll love you as a friend" Wonwoo looked up at him with teary eyes.
"Thank you. Please. Never say that word again"
"I won't. I realised that the only reason I said it was because I was refusing to believe that I, myself, was gay"
"I'm glad you accepted yourself" Wonwoo wiped away his tears.

They were back in their dorm at night both listening to music out of their own earphones but sitting on the same bed. Wonwoo's head started to hurt and he took that as a sign to rest. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain to subside but it didn't.
"Gyu-" Wonwoo held his head and Mingyu looked at him concerned. "My head hurts"
Mingyu laid him down and made sure that Wonwoo was warm, just in case he had a cold. He was bout to go away when he felt himself being pulled back. He looked back at Wonwoo and Wonwoo just blushed.
".... stay with me, please" mingyu nodded and laid next to Wonwoo.
"Do you know why your head hurts?" mingyu whispered.
"I've been doing pretty badly in my classes, I think I'm stressed out"
"You're amazing and smart, you'll be able to do anything"
Wonwoo fell asleep shortly after that but mingyu was still wide awake. A couple minutes later Wonwoo wrapped his arms and legs around mingyu, hugging him. Mingyu smiled and drifted to sleep, holding Wonwoo in his arms.

The next morning Mingyu ushered Wonwoo out of their room to go and hang out with jun and Minghao.
"Why do you want me gone so badly" Wonwoo laughed.
"Just go" Mingyu smiled.
Wonwoo was walking back to his dorm when Mingyu ran at him from behind and covered his eyes.
"Guess who"
"Hmm. God?" Mingyu held in laugh and pulled Wonwoo into a back hug.
"Hang on.. I recognise those arms. Mingyu" Wonwoo said jokingly.
"I need to cover your eyes again"
"What? Why?" Mingyu out his hands over Wonwoo's eyes.
"Shush" he guided Wonwoo to their room and pressed a button. He took his hands off of Wonwoo's eyes and Wonwoo stared in awe.

Every inch of their room was covered in different coloured Christmas lights all going to the beat of Wonwoo's favourite song, Crazy in Love.
"I know you've been having a hard time lately so I hope this will cheer you up. I don't need to be dating you to care about you" a tear slipped down Wonwoo's cheek and he turned around to hug mingyu. They stood like that for a couple of minutes after the light show was over.
"Are you ever going to let go of me?" Mingyu asked.
"I'm afraid if I do... you'll slip away" mingyu pulled away and looked him in the eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, ever"

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