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Wonwoo was curled up in his blanket watching a romantic movie on his tablet. He watched the dialogue.
"How do you know when you're in love?" The girl asked her mother.
"It's this feeling... like no other. Every time you see them a little part of you lights up and everything about them that they think is imperfect is perfect in your eyes. From the way they smile, to the way they laugh and how they talk. And when you look them in the eyes... you can see your whole future, and it's just all happiness. When the sparks ignite a fire the first time you kiss, when you feel like the luckiest person alive hearing them tell you about their day, when you get butterflies when they look at you... that's love"
Wonwoo thought about the speech for a moment. Was he in love?
'This isn't right. He doesn't deserve another heartbreak' Wonwoo sighed and switched off his tablet grabbing his phone to head down to Juns room to talk. He knocked on the door and waited a lot longer then usual for the door to open. A shirtless, unamused Jun stood there. He raised his eyebrow seemingly asking for a response.
"I think I'm in love" Jun shut the door on him.
"Open this door you asshole!" Jun opened the door again.
"Yeah I've noticed the way you look at mingyu"
"Can I come in?" Jun looked a bit worried by that question.
"Um yeah one second" jun closed the door again. He heard some yelling.
"I DON'T KNOW WHERE EVER THE LEFT SIDE OF THE BED IS" there was some shuffling noises before Jun opened the door again, now with a shirt on.
"Sorry about that, come in" Wonwoo walked into the room and saw Minghao wrapped in a blanket.
"Minghao..." Wonwoo dragged out his name.
"Are you wearing any clothes under that blanket?" Minghao gulped.
"You idiots Minghao's clothes are over there on the night stand" Wonwoo pointed. Jun grabbed the clothes and gave them to his boyfriend and made Wonwoo turn the other way.
They all had a long talk about Wonwoo's feelings and sexuality and once they were done decided to get some dinner. As they were putting on their coats Wonwoo stared out the window. Wonwoo's dorm window was right across. He smiled wanting to see Mingyu but what he saw was not what he wanted. Mingyu was with a girl, he was holding her waist whilst they were only in their underwear. Wonwoo wanted to die a little on the inside.
"Wonwoo you ready to go?" Jun asked. Wonwoo was silent.
"Yeah, coming" Wonwoo turned away from the window and wiped his tears before following the couple to a Chinese restaurant

Most of the night was spent joking around, somehow even the rest of the group, except for Mingyu, made it. They all decided to eat frozen yogurt after. Everyone was eating with their boyfriends.
Jun and Minghao were being cute feeding each other, Joshua and Jeonghan were flicking yogurt at each other. Jihoon and Soonyoung were stealing toppings from the others desert. Vernon and Seungkwan were being comedians at each other and Chan, Seungcheol and Seokmin were being their straight selves. Wonwoo never felt so alone.
Mingyu came into the frozen yogurt place and suddenly Wonwoo felt like leaving. He shuffled closer to Jun and Jun noticed, putting arm around Wonwoo winking at Minghao making sure he wasn't jealous. He wasn't. Mingyu sat next to Wonwoo.
"What are we talking about?" He asked Wonwoo.
"Anything but your sex life" he blurted out.
"Something wrong?" Mingyu said.
"No everything's fine. Just don't do anything on my bed" mingyu raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. Everyone left together back to their dorms. Wonwoo decided to have a sleepover at Jun and Minghao's dorm. They slept on the same bed anyway so the other one was always spare. Mingyu didn't even notice Wonwoo wasn't there since he was so tired.

And this is how every day went, Wonwoo would go to Jun and Minghao's room and look across the window to see Mingyu with a different girl.

It broke his heart even more everyday.

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