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Mingyu walked down the halls of the dorm and unlocked the door to room '217'. A boy was already sitting on one of the beds.
"Are you my roommate?" Mingyu asked. The boy just nodded. "I'm mingyu"
"Wonwoo" he responded. They kept quiet after that as Mingyu put away his stuff.
"Wanna have lunch?" Mingyu asked. Wonwoo stared at him before quietly agreeing.
"So... what degree are you doing-" Mingyu slipped and fell backwards. He looked up and heard a small chuckle from Wonwoo.
"So you do smile?"
Wonwoo blushed and turned away.
"Sorry. It was just funny" Wonwoo said and went back to his normal resting bitch face. Someone tripped over mingyu.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" Mingyu asked the boy.
"No time for apologies! I'm late!" He ran off.
"Who was that?" Mingyu said.
"That's soonyoung. He's my friend. In my year"
"Oh that's right. You're in 3rd year" Mingyu realised. "I'm in second" Mingyu stood up and they both walked to the cafeteria. They ate in comfortable silence.

They started a sort of routine. Everyday, have lunch with each other, learn something new about the other and then walk to whoever's class was closest. They've been doing that for a month now. Basically best friends at this point. They even introduced their friends to each other and soon there were thirteen boys all huddled under a tree.

Mingyus P.O.V
'Why can't I stop thinking about him?' Mingyu was distracted from his lecture. 'He's just a friend. I'm straight' the lecture ended and Mingyu walked confused back to his dorm. When he opened the door Wonwoo was sitting on the floor with another guy laughing.
"Oh Mingyu you're back" Wonwoo said.
"Why are you back so early?" He asked.
"Oh I skipped class this morning" Wonwoo said calmly. "Oh I almost forgot Hanjae, this is Mingyu my roommate and Mingyu this is Hanjae, my boyfriend"

Full credits to @sweaterpawwonwoo for the name of Hanjae

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