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What time do you want me to
pick you up from the airport?

You don't have to pick me up!
I'll be at your place at 12pm! 💘

Are you sure Gyu?

I'm sure!

Okee ❤️

Wonwoo fell back onto his bed and smiled. Only one more day and he'd get to see Mingyu again. Just then he heard his phone start ringing and looked at the caller ID.


'Hanjae? Why is he calling me?' Wonwoo shook his head and picked up the call.
"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner tomorrow at maybe 5?"
"Why do you want to have dinner" Wonwoo chuckled.
"To catch up!"
"I'm busy tomorrow but I'll see"
"Great. Let's go to Finn's Diner!"
"Only if I'm not busy" Wonwoo said again.
"Ok.. bye" he hung up.

Wonwoo only agreed because he knew he would be busy with Mingyu, catching up on the time they missed out on.

10:30am. Wonwoo swept every floorboard of the apartment with a broom.

11am. Wonwoo dusted all the shelves and couches.

11:30am. Wonwoo wiped down each and every surface in the whole apartment.

12pm. Wonwoo fixed everything and sat on his couch waiting patiently.

12:30pm Wonwoo found a signed contract he had with Soonyoung saying that if he and Mingyu ended up together he'd buy Soonyoung lunch for a week. He rolled his eyes at the piece of paper and chuckled, setting it aside.

Every little noise would make Wonwoo jump up and look at the door excitedly.

1pm. Mingyu still hadn't showed up and Wonwoo began to bite his nails.

2pm. Wonwoo started a new book to distract him from missing Mingyu too much.

3pm. Wonwoo felt anxious and thought of all the possible ways something could've gone wrong when Mingyu was coming over to Korea.

4pm. Wonwoo called Hanjae to tell him he was definitely going to dinner. He had to take his mind off of things.

"I'm so glad you came" Hanjae sat across from him in the booth.
"So.. how's life been?"
"I got a job and bought myself an apartment"
"That's awesome. I know it's always been your dream to live in the city!" Hanjae said.
"Yeah... it has hasn't it?" Wonwoo realised that Hanjae reminded him of all the hopes and dreams he had when he was younger. Was mingyu holding him back? No. Love doesn't hold you back. It supports you. He really wished Mingyu was there though, to hold him whilst he was stressed from work. To kiss him and tell him everything's okay.
"Wonwoo? Wonwoo~~" Wonwoo came out of his daze.
"Order anything you want! My treat"
"Hanjae you don't have to-"
"No.. you got your dream job we're celebrating" Wonwoo smiled at him. They spent the rest of the night laughing and having a good talk.
"We should do this again some time" Hanjae suggested.
"Of course. This was really fun" Wonwoo said politely. He waved at Hanjae as he left the restaurant and went home. He unlocked the door and saw someone sitting on his couch. He almost screamed, until he realised it was Mingyu.
"H-how'd you get in my house"
"Spare key" he spun it in his hand. "Under your front carpet" Mingyu smiled. Wonwoo ran to him and threw his arms around him.
"Oh god I missed you so much" he pulled away and pressed his hands to Mingyus cheeks. "You're late" he slapped his chest.
"Sorry about that, the rough winds wouldn't allow my plane to land" Wonwoo frowned. "Where were you?" Mingyu asked.
"Me? I was... at dinner, you were late so I just decided to go out. W-when'd you get here?"
"6pm" Mingyu placed a kiss on Wonwoo's nose. It took Wonwoo a couple of seconds to realise that he was straddling mingyu and embarrassingly got off and went to the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Mingyu asked like a lost puppy and Wonwoo turned around so mingyu couldn't see him smile.
"Where'd you go for dinner?" Wonwoo turned back around at the question and avoided eye contact.
"Umm I actually went to Finn's diner... with Hanjae" he mumbled the last words.
"You went with Hanjae...?" Mingyu repeated.
"Are you mad?" Wonwoo asked and Mingyu shook his head.
"I trust you". Wonwoo let out a breath of relief.
"Are you tired? You should get some sleep" Mingyu nodded and went to the bathroom to change into his sleeping clothes whilst Wonwoo got changed in his own room. Wonwoo flopped down next to Mingyu and hugged him.
"Good night" Mingyu mumbled.
"Night" Wonwoo said softly but didn't go to sleep just yet. He felt bad for not telling Mingyu that he was planning on seeing Hanjae again. He would just have to wait until Mingyu went back to America to go out to dinner again. He fussed a bit with his head on Mingyu's chest making Mingyu open his eyes.
"Trouble sleeping?" Wonwoo just nodded and Mingyu hugged him tighter. "Everything's okay now" he said reassuringly and Wonwoo closed his eyes.

Wonwoo laid there staring at the ceiling waiting for Mingyu to wake up. It was 5am. He looked over and cooed at Mingyu. He knew all Mingyu did was work hard for a career that he loves. He stroked his face and suddenly mingyu opened his eyes.
"Go back to sleep" Wonwoo whispered.
"I can't.. you're awake"
"Shhh" Wonwoo said and stared into his eyes.
"It's early. What's bothering you?" He didn't smile but rather just kissed him. "That's not an answer" Mingyu said. Mingyu knew Wonwoo would have depressing spirals here and there and that's why it pained him to be over seas without being able to look after Wonwoo.
"Are you sick again?" Both Mingyu and Wonwoo knew what sick meant, and it wasn't the flu.
"I don't... know" he curled up on to Mingyu's side. "Just go to sleep we'll figure things out later" Wonwoo closed his eyes and hugged Mingyu's waist.
"If that's what you want" He nodded into Mingyus chest. "Okay..."

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