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Mingyu took a deep breath and opened the door to his dorm. He took a breath of relief once he realised Wonwoo wasn't there. He packed his bag and went to his first class. He zoned out again.
'Lunch is going to be so awkward!' He screamed internally. He walked towards the circle of boys under the tree sitting as far away as possible from Wonwoo. They both made eye contact and looked away blushing.
"Are you two okay?" Seungkwan asked causing the whole group to stop what they were doing and look at the two. Minghao tried to hold in his laugh but let out a small chuckle when he felt a hand slap over his mouth. It was Mingyus.
"Yah! Don't touch my boyfriend" Jun swatted his hand away and put an arm around Minghao's shoulder, using the other one to aggressively wipe Minghao's lips with a napkin.
"Yeah we're fine" everyone looked away from Jun and Minghao to Wonwoo who just responded.
"Weird. You two are like joined at the hip. Why aren't you sitting next to each other?" Seungcheol asked.
"We don't always have to sit with each other" Mingyu responded.
"Somethings definitely wrong with you two and I'm finding out" Jeonghan said. Mingyu rolled his eyes and continued to munch on his sandwich. Their lunch break was a long one since everyone didn't have a Saturday class. Minghao fell asleep with his head on Jun's lap whilst listening to everyone talk. Jun just played with his hair. Mingyu looked at them longing for a relationship like that.
Jeonghan had his head resting on Joshuas shoulder and Soonyoung and Jihoon being nice to each other. What a sight to see. Vernon and Seungkwan were laying in the grass staring at the clouds. Seokmin and Seungcheol were having a random rap battle even though they all knew Seungcheol would win. Chan was entertaining the remaining awake with his dancing to Michael Jackson.
Everyone started to leave, leaving jun, Minghao, mingyu and wonwoo. Minghao was fast asleep and Jun and Wonwoo were having a conversation. They were best friends after all. Jun took a glance and Mingyu and realised he was staring at Wonwoo. He looked down to the boy resting in his lap.
"Baby~ wake up" Minghao slowly opened his eyes. Jun carefully stood up and brought Minghao with him. "Let's go back to our dorm you can sleep there" the sun was setting and all that was left was Wonwoo and Mingyu.
"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time and laughed.
"What are you sorry for?" Wonwoo asked.
"I guess for helping you cheat on your boyfriend. And I was drunk so I don't know if I took advantage of you or not"
"You didn't" Wonwoo sighed. "I'm sorry.. for leading you on"
"You weren't" mingyu looked down knowing what was going to come next.
"I'm dating Hanjae.. and I don't really have any plans to break up with him... so if we could just be friends-"
"Yeah that's fine" Mingyu stood up.
"Are you sure?" Wonwoo stood up too.
"Yeah I'll be fine" Mingyu turned around so Wonwoo couldn't see the tears. "See you back at the dorm I guess" Mingyus voice cracked in those last words causing him to start walking fast.

*back at their room*
Wonwoo quietly opened the door wanting to talk. But when he got there mingyu was already asleep. Or so he thought. Mingyu was wide awake, he just wanted to avoid his heart being broken. Wonwoo sighed and went to bed.

The next morning Wonwoo woke up and saw all of Mingyus things missing. He saw a note on mingyus bed.
Gone to stay at Seungcheol's dorm for a while.
- Mingyu
Wonwoo stared at the note.
'How can someone I haven't known for longer then a year make me love them more the a boyfriend I've had my whole life' he thought to himself. Wonwoo walked to Jun and Minghao's dorm. He was about to open the door when he realised they were having a fight.
"I don't trust you anymore!" Wonwoo heard Minghao yell. Minghao was chucking his things into a bag.
"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me!"
"You were drunk and you still kissed her for longer then 5 seconds!"
"Why 5?"
"It takes 3 seconds to realise what you're doing and 2 seconds to push away! You didn't do any of that" Minghao slumped against the wall and cried. "I knew once I became to boring for you you'd leave me"
Wonwoo couldn't stand the arguing anymore and burst open the door.
"What's happening?"
"We're breaking up that's what's happening" Minghao sniffed and Jun looked at him with wide eyes.
"No no no" jun fell to his legs in front of Minghao and cupped his face.
"I love you so much"
"You forgot all about me when you kissed her" Minghao turned away so Jun's hands would fall off. "We're done. I can't be with an alcoholic player" Minghao stood up and took his bag on the way out. Wonwoo ran after him.
"Minghao!" Minghao turned around.
"You can stay at mine, Mingyu moved out" Minghao just nodded and walked to Wonwoo's room. Wonwoo walked back to crying Jun and rubbed his back reassuringly.
"What happened?"
"Some girl kissed me at a party and Minghao saw. He ran away before I pushed her off of me. I passed out before I could run after him. This morning I came home and Minghao was mad. We were fighting for about an hour before you came here" Wonwoo sighed.
"I'll talk to him-"
"No. I hurt him. I don't deserve him. Just look after him will you? He needs a friend" Wonwoo nodded. He was getting them back together.

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