Shocking realization

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Herman carter hired me.....

(3rd person)

Y/n heads towards lery's memorial hospital she was tasked to assist Herman in his interrogations today, though she walks into his office only to see him cranking up voltage on a man strapped to a chair the other man screaming. Y/n takes a step back horror coating her features another scream piercing the air,she see's Herman look towards her a sadistic smirk. "I see your finally here, you realize your late right y/n?~" y/n tried to run only to be grabbed by Herman he covered her mouth whispering in her ear. "Tell anyone about this and you will be the one in the chair~" y/n glances towards Herman to see his sadistic smirk as he licked his lips almost in anticipation of her to run and struggle against him he wanted to see how long it would take to break her. What y/n didn't know was that Herman already knew he had her wrapped around his finger he was toying with her, observing her,her reactions, her blush. He realized a while back that he was obsessed, but with what, her shy nature, her blush , her innocence? No, he was obsessed with her.

(Y/n POV bold is Herman)

I look back at Herman and see him lick his lips, I have to get out of here I have to...... "tell anyone about this and you will be the one in the chair~" After a moment of processing the situation I realized how Herman was holding me. He held me against his chest holding my waist tightly and his other  hand tilted my chin up so he could whisper in my ear and see my panic. "Someone is scared~" I whimper at his deep voice  in my ear a chill running down my spine. "I...I won't tell anyone......" He lets me go. "You have paper work in my office, over there." He points to a door nearby. "Don't. Disappoint me~" I nodded whimpering  "of course sir...." when he looked away I quickly walked to the door to be greeted by mountains of paperwork and Herman's journals. While Herman was busy I read the journals, I knew every gruesome detail of his torcher techniques I had to tell the police,Claire, someone. I hear the door open and hide the journal. "H..Herman!" I motion to the papers. "I..I finished." "Good job y/n~" he walks closer to me and he smirks grabbing my chin making me look at him. "You are adorable y/n~"

(ALRIGHT MY LITTLE FANGIRLS/BOYS IM LETTING YOU ALL CHOOSE YOUR FATE!!! Also only the First 3 comments will factor in,if I get 2 that are different I will break the tie, and I'm only accepting comments today and tomorrow cause I want to get the next chapter in)

Comment: ⚡️ Or mr.shocky (to tell authorities)

Comment: ❤️ Or your secret is safe (to not tell)

Comment: 🌈 or lesbi honest (to tell Claire)

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