"I am going to kill you all."

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(Now we go into the world of the killers..)

Herman sighed and gets up only to find his whole wardrobe was gone except for this disgusting pink dress. He snarled throwing it on so he wouldn't walk outside naked. "RAVEN!!!!" He growled as he heard Raven bust out laughing.  "Right on cue see I told you Evan" Evan laughs and pats raven on the back. "Lookin good doc~" he commented snickering as he walks away. Herman snarls. "Where are my clothes." "Don't worry hermy they will be returned tomorrow."  "IM NOT GOING INTO A MATCH IN THIS!" "To late." Raven snickers as Herman is put in a match. He snarls as he starts charging at survivors bloodlust in his eyes everyone was dead,brutally slaughtered. Then he looks up and sees you looking at him with both a confused and terrified expression. Herman smirks. "Found you~" you run your h/L, h/c hair flowing behind you as he grabs you pulling you close to him quickly snapping a collar in your neck it was black with a bright blue monitor and abuse symbol on it. You wimper and try to get away as he growls in your ear. Your heart pounding,and pulse racing. Your fear was intoxicating to him,he smirks pulling you closer to him. He turns you towards him your eyes meeting as he undoes the straps on his mask pulling you into a kiss. It was aggressive in a way but also passionate. After a moment he lets his guard down and you bolt for the hatch escaping. "I will have you y/n....."

"Even if I have to kill everyone to do it."

(Legit just died thinking of Herman trying to be aggressive in that outfit though 🤣🤣)

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now