Miracle (part 1)

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You wake up groggily in a bed that was a lot more plush then the rest in lery's. You turn and see Herman fast asleep you look down and realize, the memories of last night flooding back to you. You running into Herman your lips pressing together. Him picking you up,your arms wrapped around him. The way the kiss turned heated, the way he pinned you down,his breath, his body. Pressed aggressively against you. The animal like growls he made when you seemed to fight back at all. The lust in his eyes. Then you both eventually passing out in each other's arms. You blush insanely and turn away from your lover your cheeks burning as you curled up slightly. "You ok y/n?" Herman's deep voice had caused you to shutter the base in his tone was like a drug to your ears,he was your own stash of nicotine. You lick your lips before turning back towards him. "Y..yeah." He smiled and hugged you before getting up. Your eyes trailed over his body, noticing every muscle how it tightened and stretched. You are practically drooling by the time he stands up. "You ok there kitten?~" Herman smirked a bit as if he had been teasing you. You curse under your breath and turn away from him as he goes to take a shower. He comes back in his usual uniform. It wasn't tattered or bloody that only made you smile more. It reminded you, you weren't stuck in the entity's realm anymore. You were free to be here. With Herman,forever. That was what you wanted. Herman smiled down at you before patting your head and heading off to work. You put on a black leather jacket f/c shirt,skirt,and (second)f/c leggings with black leather boots. It was a bit of an edgy look but you liked it. Then you feel that static shock again. All hairs on my arms stand on end. Then I hear a shatter of glass. A deep chuckle and  I see an axe as it whips past my head. I wasn't free at all.

I was still trapped in the realm.

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now