Midnight terrors

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It was midnight and you hear a cry as a clap of thunder a erupts outside you run out of your room your heart pounding as you open a door to see Evan. "Hey leave her be you know she is ok in thunderstorm." "Yeah I know but....I can't help but worry.....she is his daughter" y/n snarls and takes the young girl in her arms. the child looks up at y/n her bright blue eyes which were almost while looked up at her. "Hey baby it's ok mom is here and Evan is leaving." Evan sighed and left before lightning struck again it was odd as the rain had just stopped and the lightning shot....upwards? You step back from the window as a silhouette of ....Herman appeared in the window. You quickly back up holding the young girl in your arms. "It's ok Claire...your ok" you hold her tightly to your chest as you ran back into your room. You soon fall asleep with Claire in your arms. Around 1:30 am Claire wakes up and reaches towards a figure looming over you two gently grabbing one of their fingers getting a chuckle from them. Then she falls back asleep as the figure sighed and smiled a soft yet sad smile.

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