The fog

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You wake up to see Claire running from a man in a lab coat. "H...Herman?!" He turns towards you smiling. "Heya doll~" he laughs insanely and chases Claire hooking her beside you  a few moments later. You were frozen as he stalked towards you. "I have you back.....and now your not leaving me....ever. Again."He sneered and grabs you pulling you into him his weapon falling to the ground as you felt small shocks all over your body as he held you close quite aggressively. Herman smiles and he gently pulls away taking your hand. It was obvious he was covered in blood and you see a few bodies on the ground as he leads you to the hatch. "Let's hope we never meet again in these matches. I won't be as gentle next time~." You shudder as he smirks and gently helps you into the hatch.

You wake up by a fire and see a few survivors and... "Claire?!" You hug your friend who had been bleeding previously. Then you hear a hum it was lighter then huntress but it was familiar. You look back and see. "It's raven..."  Claire spoke softly until an arm hits an invisible barrier. It was covered with orange  stain veins were also glowing orange. You see a face suddenly and it was raven one eye glowed orange her other was the ocean blue it used to be when she was human. "Tick tock girls~ we will get you..."  another figure comes out of the shadows. "And once we have'll never escape us again.~" I look up and see white eyes that quickly turn red. "H..Herman.." they both chuckle darkly before looking at each other with a smirk. Claire grabs me pulling back. 


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