Panic Room

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(Back to you)

You were panicking you had heard his voice in your head for the past few weeks he haunted your dreams. Then you saw someone new near the barrier. Someone.....familiar. You near the barrier your eyes tearing up. "C...Charlie?" You see the faint wisp of a girl you knew. Your sister to be exact. Her black hair with purple tips was matted and she was missing an eye blood running out of her eye and mouth. "Y/n....why are" "I was brought here a few months ago." Charlie sighed and turns away. " I will get you out of here n/n if it's the last thing i do." Your sister seemingly disappeared as you stand there by the barrier alone. You had to be going insane. You just had to....."hello my sweet y/n~" you see Herman in his surgeon costume a permanent smirk under the mask.  Suddenly I see Claire....decapitated her blood pooling on the ground as Herman stood over her taking off his mask a sick grin on his face as his red eyes bear into your soul. Raven stands a bit away and her eyes are filled with tears. How did he manage to he break the rift?! You back away quickly as Herman nears the Barrier his grin ever permanent. He puts his hand on the barriers crack. "I said I would kill them all y/n"

"Your. mine."

You run away from the Barrier as if your life depended on it as frankly it did. Then you are teleported to crotus asylum you quickly find a gen and start fixing it till you feel a small shock. You whimper but keep working on the gen hoping to fix it before Herman found you. You were shaking so bad that you missed your skill check the gen blowing up and you jumping at the shock. Suddenly you are shocked and you let out a piercing scream. You feel a presence behind you as they grab your arm a deep voice cooing in your ear.

"Found you~"

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now