It's to cold for you here

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I made a deal"

"You what?" You snarled at Herman your eyebrow twitching. "It was the only way she would let me..." "what did you say you'd give her?" "Claire..."  you back away. "NO" you clutch your child tightly to your chest. " Claire....sister...not child."  You relaxed slightly but not much. You hear a voice in your ears it reminded you of your sister. "Don't be so shy~"  you look around fearfully. "She was alive..."  "an illusion I assume?" "That was obvious was it not?" "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" "Awwww darling don't hate me,I brought him back didn't I?" Evan stood up and looks around clearly Herman had knocked him out. "Y/n....what's....." Evan froze and his eyes turn black with orange swirls a sickening grin on his face. "You think you got away y/n? Hehehe your just starting the games darling.....and the prize? You'll get them all back."  There was a snap and Herman looks at you fearfully and you see black and orange smoke. "NO!!!" You reach for Herman but your to late...he was gone.

You shot up and you were in bed you look around and hear crying. It was go to take care of her something in you telling you that wasn't just a dream.

~intro Herman pov~

Herman shoots up and looks around the realm he had fallen asleep again but he saw you...he knew it was you.....and it was real. "RAVEN I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!!!"  "Hehehe play my game right Herman....and you just might~"


Evan looks around quizzically he had another nightmare about you. This was the last straw. " would you like to have her all to yourself...y/n?" Evan smiles evilly "what do I have to do?" "Help me keep them apart."

"Let the games begin"

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now