My strange⚡️ addiction ❤️

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Y/n......what are you doing to me?

3rd person)

Y/n had been in Herman's lab for 3 weeks now, he gave her food but other then that she would just sit and stare a scowl on his features. Until he snapped leaning over her trembling form which was strapped in the chair. "What are you doing to me?!" Herman growls leaning so close that his lips were so close to y/n's that he could feel her sharp breath. His heart pounded in his chest he didn't know what this feeling was but frankly he decided to experiment with this and see if y/n had the same reaction to this. He let his hand press against her chest just above her breast and felt her rapid heartbeat. "Your....scared?" He looks into y/n's eyes and sees her expression, it showed a bit of fear but something else as well. he backs up until he hears y/n. "H...Herman.... c..come back......p..please." He leans over her again with less aggression. "Yes, love?" She leans forward and kisses Herman softly. His eyes go wide at this but he kisses back cupping her cheek leaning closer. The longer they kiss the more aggressive Herman got, he pulled y/n closer refusing to let her go. He eventually pulled away and undid her restraints. "You can walk around the institution and go to the cafe but if you leave I will hunt you down and you will get worse then that little shock." When he spoke he was almost breathless as he turned away and started scribbling down notes.

(Y/n POV 1 month of being with Herman)

It has been a month since Herman kidnapped me, but in all honesty this was nothing like what I expected. He can be cold but deep down he seems to have a warm heart he treats me like a human being. That's more then I could say for some people. Some days I will watch Herman in his study and I'm reminded of the small book nerd I knew as a child.

~past memory OwO in y/n POV UwU~

I look up from my sketchbook to see Herman sitting beside me. He was clearly entranced by his book and I just smiled as I went back to my sketch of him. I was proud of the sketch it looked a lot like him, typically I'm not good at realistic sketches but this one was definitely a keeper. I look back up to get the right shape for his eyes only to be met by him looking at me. "Y/n why do you keep looking at me?" " reason Herman." He giggled before looking back at his book.

~high school OwU~

I sigh leaning against the oak tree I always sketched under only to see my friend Claire walk over and I quickly closed the sketchbook filled with sketches of Herman as we grew, every one got better until this year I had gotten it perfect. "Whatcha drawing y/n?"  I turn bright red when she spoke. Claire smirks and gives me a knowing look. Then I saw him, Herman, I let out a swoon like sigh and Claire laughs. "Shut up."  "Your the one swooning over my brother so you shush y/n" I look a bit away and hear a soft singing. 

"🎶You've seen their nightmares come alive
You've seen their sweetest dreams blossom and die
You've seen it all before, you've seen it all
So why do you build us up to crumble and fall?
Why do you build us up to crumble and fall?🎶"

I quickly look behind me and see Raven and notice Claire now staring. "She is cute" "you are too~"  Raven met our gazes noticing who I am but mostly focusing on Claire. They start talking when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
~end of flash back TwT~
I jump at the hand on my shoulder. "Y/ ok?" I turn to meet eyes with Herman. "Y..yeah I'm ok." I smile gently my face light pink, I was in love with Herman there was no denying it now.
Herman POV)God her smile is adorable, I suppose I can't deny it...I'm in love with I'm not just in love with her...

I'm obsessed with her~

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now