Broken traps

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The next day you were taking care of Claire when you hear a deep chuckle and feel static in the air. You pull Claire to your chest and look around frantically. "You...Scared of me....y/n?"  The voice you heard was raspy yet familiar. "W...who are" "The father..." you freeze and look around again. "H..Herman?" Evan walked into the room you were in and looks at you worried. "Y/n what are you..." he is then suddenly thrown to the ground another being on top of him. "No...your dead...." "I'm as dead as I appear Evan...and!" Herman raises an arm his punishment stick in hand he was going to kill Evan. "HERMAN STOP." Claire was in her high chair and you grab his arm. He looks up at you and snarls. "Y/n stay out of this."  "No I'm not letting you hurt Evan over living here." "Oh you think that's all I'm mad about?! He tried to take you from me!"  "But he didn't!" Herman sighed getting off of Evan,he then pins you to the wall and kisses you. "Your mine....he will not take you from me."  You blush and nod. He lets you go and you both walk over to Claire. You smile and pick up the tiny child. Her h/c hair was starting to come in thicker and her one bright blue and one e/c eye look up at you. You hug her close still glancing at Herman. "How are you alive?"

"I made a deal...."

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now