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Raven snarls and pops her neck. "I swear Charlie...if you get in my way..." the faint girl pops out of no where "awww is someone scared I will ruin your plans." There was a white and blue claw that appeared by raven's black and orange one. They appear to touch like they were siblings or old friends. " I miss my sister..." "she can't come back....not after all she has done..." "come on raven what...." "I AM THE REASON WE ALL ARE HERE I THOUGHT I COULD AVOID IT.....but I killed you....I killed everyone.."  raven curls into a ball as tears stream down her face. "Why stop here though?" Raven's lips curled into an evil grin her eyes turning orange. "Let the games begin " raven sighs and snaps Charlie disappears and comes back her soul roaming earth. Raven felt alister's hand on her shoulder. "H..hello alister..." "hello my siren~" tears form in raven's eyes...she knew she trapped and she couldn't escape this hell she was in.


Herman stared at the ceiling his mind wanders at the thought of you. How cute you could be,yet that little fire that seemed to sneak up on him. You were a experiment he didn't understand,it drove him nuts. He loved it though, the pain,the mystery. Some days you even made him feel weak minded....he liked that less but still you were his obsession. He bit his lip thinking about you being close to him. Even holding you right now seemed like a dream. Would raven ever let him see you? No. She wouldn't....she doesn't understand what this is. (Little do you know Herman) she can't understand this level of love.....right? (She dated your sister of course she doesn't know 🙄) he rubbed his temples. "I promise you y/n I will see you again,even if I have to kill millions of weak minded souls.

Even if he had to kill raven.

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now