😱My fears,my love😍, my hate😡

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~At the cafe a few weeks later~

I sigh drinking an iced coffee until Raven walks up to me. "Heya kiddo Herman wanted me to take yah back to lery's" I smile and nod. "K" she leads me towards the exit and I feel a sharp pain and I hear a dark chuckle. "I am going to crack open your mind.~"

I woke up in a dark room which was lit by a single light bulb and I heard a small voice singing. (I swear I wanted to just type the disco girl lyrics from gravity falls cause why not lol) "oh... you're awake? Heh well time to get working then....shall we~" I feel a sharp pain in my neck and my vision is blurry.

?? pov*

I watch her squirming in the chair. She is a fighter eh? Good,fighters give me the best reactions. I give her a shot of the fear toxin. This was the strong stuff, made especially for people with astraphobia, the fear of thunder and lightning. She squirms until the fear toxin kicks in and I see what she sees I gasp. "That's new" then I feel a sudden pin in my arm as screams fill the air I realize they are both mine and her's. Then I hear a voice. "Come on just let it take over....trust me...you'll get your experiments.....siren." Then I black out the last thing I saw was a swirl of orange and black.

Herman POV

"RAVEN WHERE IS Y/N!!" I look over and see my sister's girlfriend bent over some chemicals only to turn towards me, her hand dyed orange, her eyes wide as she smirked at me. "Heheheh" I step back only to see y/n tied to a chair crying. I snarled and looked at raven rage enveloping me when I heard the voice. "You can get your revenge Herman....I mean doc...all your experiments...your revenge..her...you can have them all." I let the darkness take over me laughing knowing. "I have you now y/n you will be mine."

Siren Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI4YhjnUglk (also above if it loaded)

Sneak peak of next chapter)


I wake up to see Claire running from a man in a lab coat. "H...Herman?!" He turns towards me smiling. "Heya doll~" *he laughs insane*

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now