Can I trap your heart?

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This is still Herman x reader some friendly rivalry never hurt no one)

Evan walks into your house with a small smile he had escaped the realm a bit after you and he stayed at your home for a while. He had gotten a job at a local factory and frankly girls were all over him. As soon as they saw him with you and Claire though their minds changed very quickly. Except for a few of course. He looks upstairs to see if you were asleep and looks down at Claire. She looks up at him and smiles giggling a bit and reaching towards him. He chuckled and gently pat the child's head. He then goes downstairs and makes food for you and Claire. A few minutes later you come down carrying the little baby in your arms. ".....Evan?" "Heya y/n I just made food,you know earning my keep here." "You realize you earn enough money to get a house of your own now." "Well yeah but I like it here with you and Claire. That and you seemed pretty jumpy last night." "It's just..." "it's ok y/n you watched your sister kill him before dragging him into darkness it's ok to believe he might still be alive." "It's not that....something isn't right...." you set Claire in her high chair strapping her in so she doesn't fall. Evan gently wraps his arms around you pulling you close. "It's ok y/n" he gently nuzzles his face into your neck. You pull away from him. "No Evan....don't..." he looks away sadly but sets out food for you and Claire. "You realize i..." "Evan....I have the child of Herman....." "I understand don't have to wait for him to come back when we both know he...." a clap of thunder startled both you and Evan as electricity seemed to fill the air. Evan looks outside seeing an upward shoot of lightning. "What the..." he wiped his eyes and sees a silhouette jumping back blinking and it was gone. "It happened last night too..." "that's terrifying..."

"Yes....yes it is..."

You will be mine~ (Herman Carter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now