Kaminari shuts down Mineta

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Summary: Mineta was being his usual pervy self, Kaminari decided that enough was enough

Kaminari's muscles strained underneath him as he took a seat on the common room couch. It was a Saturday, and only him, the girls, and Mineta remained at the dormotorys, the other boys all went to a training camp for the weekend. 

Kaminari was looking forward to going, but he had overused his quirk, staying in 'idiot mode' for longer than normal, he only just came out of it right before the others and his teacher left.

 "Don't work yourself too hard" Kirishima smiled "just rest this weekend!" 

 Kaminari appreciated the sentement, but he normally healed fast, so an hour after they left, he left recovery girls office to get back to the dorms. Only now, after that long walk, did he realize just how much energy he used up.

The boys left for their camp this week, but the girls would get their chance next month when their training camp would be held. 

Mineta stayed because he was not allowed to go out of school property for trips. Not after the hot springs fiasco.

If Kaminari was honest with himself, he wasn't all too sure of his opinion on Mineta. He was chill at first, but Kaminari knew his limits. And Mineta had crossed those lines multiple times.

He decided to stop talking to Mineta, and maybe people wouldn't associate him with the pervert. He didn't want people thinking he didn't respect women. 

 For a small part, Kaminari was glad he got to stay, just in case Mineta was up to something.

 "Oh- Kaminari!" Yaoyorozu said in surprise " your back from recovery girls. Do you need anything? "

Kaminari smiled softly from his place on the couch, even if it did hurt his face mucles. "Nah I'm good, but will you hand me that blanket so I can nap? I'm too exhausted to head back to my room." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

 "Of course, do you want some tea?" She offerd, unfolding the blanket that was on the edge of the couch. Kaminari took it, draping it over himself.

 "No thank you" he smiled, situating himself to sleep on his side.

The class vice president nodded, satisfied. "Do not hesitate to call if you need anything. I am in charge in Iidas absence." 

Kaminari let his dreary eyes rest.

~8 hours later.~

Kaminari was awakened from his slumber when the area by his feet went down.

He cracked open his eyes, yawning before slowly sitting up.

The sun barley shone through the massive Windows in the commons, he had probably slept for the whole day.

 "Sorry for waking you Kaminari." Tsuyu said, she sat at the end of the couch right where his feet were.

 He yawned again, absolutely sure he had acquired bed head. " It's okay, I probably should have gone back to my room. "

 "Are you okay? You still look tired." Uraraka asked, concerned.

 "Yeah dude, you look like shit." Ashido chimed in.

 "Wow, thanks." Now that Kaminari was more aware, he noticed that the girls had all been sitting on the other couches, all drinking tea.

He nodded, looking with half lidded eyes "Yeah I'm okay, would you like me to leave, your having some kind of girl cult or something." 

 " No, don't move anymore! Here, have some tea. " Hagakure bounced from her place, shoving a mug of tea in his hands.

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